EXCELLENT Customer Service at Tire Store


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2014
Reno, NV
I just wanted to share my very good experience with the Reno, NV, Discount Tire store.

In preparing to take delivery of my Bobcat Shell next month,I was upgrading my tires to E-Rated Cooper AT/3s at my local Discount Tire store here in Reno. Since my old tires were still in good shape, I told them that I wanted to save them for another vehicle.

As I was unloading my old tires that evening, I noticed that their tire machine must have punctured the sidewalls of two of them and they were damaged beyond repair.

I called the store manager and was fully expecting to get a lot of push back and hassle in getting the situation resolved, but much to my surprise, the store manager immediately offered to give me four brand new tires absolutely FREE, no questions asked.

I went to the tire store the next day and within ten minutes, I had four new tires to replace the ones they accidentally damaged.

My entire experience with Discount Tire was great and I just wanted to let everyone who may be considering a tire purchase know that DT took care of me!
That is what all businesses should do... Make it right for the customer. It brings people back, and the word spreads.

Thanks for sharing!
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