Fish Bomb Alarm

Alaskan Snowbirds

Senior Member
Dec 28, 2008
Juneau, Alaska
Had a rude wake-up this morning.

We like to sleep with the window open in the summer…nice and cool, fresh air, just good sleeping in general. The only problem is that the crows, eagles and ravens take on alarm duties during the summer just to make sure we don‘t get too serious about retirement.

Around 4 in the morning they start raising a ruckus telling us it’s time to rise an shine. We usually manage to hit the mental snooze button for a couple hours then start wondering which we’ll go for first, coffee or shotgun. Coffee’s always won, so far.

This morning the bird alarm tried a new twist that I hope doesn’t get to be a regular thing just because it had such spectacular results.

About 6:30 we were going through our normal coffee/shotgun deliberations when there was what sounded (at least to us who were between asleep and awake) like a bomb going off…brought us straight up out of bed and hit the floor running. My first thought was that a bear got in the house but Susan got it right when she said it sounded like something hit one of the windows.

Susan was out first and pointed to the ground in front of the deck door and then to the window next to the door. On the ground was half of what had been a Dog/Chum (Keta if you’re a fish monger) Salmon that looked like a sea lion had gotten a good chunk of before it lost the rest of it’s breakfast to the eagles:


On the window was the telltale fish slime and scales.


These two F(ish)-52’s were sitting on the beach looking real satisfied with the results of their bombing run:


We went for coffee but that could change to the shotgun if they keep it up…mama don’t like NOBODY disturbin’ her sleep!

Happy Trails!
Was it tasty?

I've had a hawk bomb me with a snake he let out of his talons while I was on my cycle cruisin along below. Hit the shoulder, of the road.
Was it tasty?

I've had a hawk bomb me with a snake he let out of his talons while I was on my cycle cruisin along below. Hit the shoulder, of the road.


I pitched the fish in the middle of the yard and by the time I got the coffee goin' it was gone...have to ask whoever got it how it tasted.

Depending on the flavor of snake, I think I'd rather get hit up 'side the head with a fish!

I had one other similar experience...a herring slammed into the window next to me at work one day and slowly slid down about 6' before it fell off.

Now we know why they say "When pigs fly." instead of "When fish/snakes fly" :p

Happy Trails!

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