Fly Fishing’s Secrets

Very informative, being somewhat new to fly fishing I appreciate the lessons on reels. I just subscribed to his YouTube channel

Thanks again
I’m not sure how new you are to fly fishing, but one of the best books I’ve ever seen on the topic is The Curtis Creek Manifesto by Sheridan Anderson. It’s in a humorous comic book type format, and it is packed with information that is non elitist and straight forward. I bought my copy at least 40 years ago.
firemen7 said:
Very informative, being somewhat new to fly fishing I appreciate the lessons on reels. I just subscribed to his YouTube channel

Thanks again
Wandering Sagebrush said:
Gotta stuck rod?
I've used the behind the knees method before but what about those rubber grippers you use for opening jars, etc.? Better than tape!
So Mr. Sage, you have awakened all my desires to be at a high mountain lake casting over wild cutthroat trout. Not a bad thing. And how 'bout a new fly rod and reel? I still love my set up I've had for close to 30 years. Old school, just like me. Thanks also for letting me know how many times I've looked like an idiot in a fly shop. :)

I enjoyed the videos and the opportunity to escape for awhile. Thanks for the fun!

Ski that's a nice old Ross.My Ross is only about 15 years old but I really like their reels.
Your idea sounds great. Maybe someday.
Stay safe. Watch out for the "toothbrush"wielding woman.
Thanks Frank. That's the original, first model Ross. I bought it around 35 years ago at the fly shop in San Francisco on Grant Street (I believe) near Chinatown. Years ago I was able to find an extra spool for it. It works flawlessly, albeit a bit beat up from all these happy years of use. :)
I have a Ross for my 10 wt rods, and it is by far the best reel in my basket. Followed by a Hardy Marquis that was sold under the Sci Angler System 7 name for my steelhead and bass rods.

I wonder if Ross still makes their reels in Aetna. That Scott River Valley is a beautiful location.

Mr 3Pin, you’re welcome. I’m glad to help you spend your money :)
Steve, yes to the bamboo it's a 6.5'maybe 4 weight.
It was custom made for a dear friend of ours his wife gave to me when he passed.

Ski,that photo is from the 2011 trip to Denali.
Caught in the Savage river at the bridge where the "extended" entrance gate is.
About the only water fishable in the park,due to all the glacier run off.
Nice to have all these photos of the "good times" Maybe we'll get back sometime soon.
ski3pin said:
So Mr. Sage, you have awakened all my desires to be at a high mountain lake casting over wild cutthroat trout. Not a bad thing. And how 'bout a new fly rod and reel? I still love my set up I've had for close to 30 years. Old school, just like me. Thanks also for letting me know how many times I've looked like an idiot in a fly shop. :)

I enjoyed the videos and the opportunity to escape for awhile. Thanks for the fun!

‘The beauty about old fly rods is the fish won’t know until you’ve landed him!
Wandering Sagebrush said:
I’m not sure how new you are to fly fishing, but one of the best books I’ve ever seen on the topic is The Curtis Creek Manifesto by Sheridan Anderson. It’s in a humorous comic book type format, and it is packed with information that is non elitist and straight forward. I bought my copy at least 40 years ago.
I’ll check the used book store when we’re done with this social distancing
firemen7 said:
I’ll check the used book store when we’re done with this social distancing
I would just order it from Amazon... I think it’s cheaper there than when I bought my copy. It’s in Kindle format, too.
I’m not sure I’d take a Coleman canoe on many stretches of the Deschutes, but... they lived. It appears the rod count may be down one, as welll.

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