Friends of Black Rock is organizing Fly Geyser access days


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
Not cheap but an interesting opportunity to spend some time at one of the West's most interesting spots (and support a good organization):

Fly Geyser Tours, May 28 & 29, 2011
The Friends of Black Rock / High Rock are pleased to offer to our members an opportunity to visit the renowned Fly Geyser, situated on private property in the Hualapai Flat, rural Washoe County, NV, about 23 miles north of Gerlach on Rte 34.

The tour is for Friends of Black Rock /High Rock MEMBERS ONLY. If you are not yet a member and would like to join, please go to and choose a member level along with your Fly Geyser tour reservation. If you are NOT a member and arrive for the tour, you will not be admitted, no exceptions. Also, if you are a new member, please be advised that you must pay the minimum $25 annual dues, not just the $5/month amount, unless you have done so for a minimum of 6 months. We believe that membership should have its privileges, and would like all participants to be aware, respectful, and supportive of the mission of our organization.

Each reservation is for a 2-hour visit to the Fly Geyser. We are offering 6 separate 2-hour time slots each day, from 8 am until 8 pm, for a fee of $50.00 for each member. There are reservations for 20 members per time slot, to keep things manageable and to minimize impacts to this sensitive area. You are responsible for your own prompt arrival and departure. As a participant, you will be required to abide by all rules and directions of the trip leaders, and to sign a trip agreement including release of liability, available below.

Fly Geyser is a special place, and we are thankful to the property owners for the opportunity to allow public access. All proceeds from the tour benefit the conservation and education programs of the Friends of Black Rock /High Rock.


Photo was sent to me last year by member RLFUnston.
Great photo! Wow, that thing sure has grown since the last time I was there. This is a shot of Fly Geyser when the public could still swim in the huge, frog-filled, hot pool at its foot.
Mid to late '80s--during my Black Rock Dayz. It was not much of a drive from Truckee so we went there often. In those days the great playa and its surrounding mountains had not yet been discovered.

When loading the trucks with supplies we had one rule: A case, per man, per day.
When loading the trucks with supplies we had one rule: A case, per man, per day.

Always the pioneer :)
When loading the trucks with supplies we had one rule: A case, per man, per day.

Case = 24? or 12?
Where I come from 12 is a half-case.

You're right, of course. Our rule-of-thumb, back in the day, was a half-case/day...I guess I was with the wrong group!

And the Black Rock was an excellent place for that kind of bad behavior!...out on the playa away from any others, anyway.

Uhh...sorry DD -- this is really off-topic, isn't it.
sad.gif could help give people ideas of what else to do in the area before/after you got your 2-hour look at the geyser!
You're right, of course. Our rule-of-thumb, back in the day, was a half-case/day...I guess I was with the wrong group!

And the Black Rock was an excellent place for that kind of bad behavior!...out on the playa away from any others, anyway.

Indeed, if one must behave that way, the playa is the place to do it. Never once did we see an officer of the law!
You're right, of course. Our rule-of-thumb, back in the day, was a half-case/day...I guess I was with the wrong group!

And the Black Rock was an excellent place for that kind of bad behavior!...out on the playa away from any others, anyway.

A couple of Fly Geyser stories. When my son was 6 we were there, I set camp near the pond, as could be done in the olden days. There was an old dredge crane abandoned there with a long boom rising up over the marshes.
I heard my son calling me, and looked around, no kid..... He calls out, "Dad look up here!" and there he was, at the top end of the boom, about 50 feet off the ground...

Another story, the Zit on the Face of the Desert, also known as Burning Man was once held in a field adjacent to Fly Geyser, the burners descended in masse to the pond and churned the crystal clear water to mud. While myself and the girlfriend of the week watched, there were various antics (no we were not part of the Burning Man, we just wandered by as I often did, in the olden days. A fellow with a hand drum was up on the travertine terrace by the geyser dancing, which included stamping his feet ( I was not close enough to him to tell him that stamping on travertine was not a good idea), well, he broke through, at least up to his knees into the boiling water beneath the terrace.

Yes, he screamed, lustily and lengthily and was scalded, second degree burns, and had to be evacuated..

And yes, my boy was there also, about 13 years old this time, and fascinated by the couple who were moving rhythmically and thought they were hidden from view.
Love those stories, Gbg.

Actually, I think my wife did sign us up to be members after our Black Rock trip with DD (the trip that gained me the Magellan moniker). We might put this on our calendar. Thanks for the heads up DD.

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