Furnace gas leak


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2012
How do I go about trouble shooting this? We ran it last night and th CO detector went off, thought it was just bad venting on our part. Just ran it again and can smell gas and the leak detector went off.

Was it Carbon Monoxide (CO) or Propane? There will be an LED lit on the alarm that will tell you which one it is. If it is propane, and it only leaks when the furnace is actually running, the leak is downstream of the gas control valve - which only leaves a couple of options.
Last night the CO went off...we vented and it was fine. This AM I had trouble getting it to start up but it finally did. Then the leak alarm went off, so we turned it off.

How would I go about figuring out where the leak is?
I am reminded that I had a co/propane alarm in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I figured out after some (sleepless) time that the battery voltage was low, when charged, no alarm.
It seems oddly coincidental that you would have both a CO and a Propane alarm so close together. Are you sure the alarm is working properly? The only way that I think you could have both is if you had a poorly sealed combustion chamber and a blocked intake and exhaust that was allowing incomplete combustion products into the camper while running (CO Alarm) and unburned propane while lighting (Propane alarm). But this still seems unlikely.
It's a 2005. Running it now to see if all ththe false starts yesterday weren't the culprit for the "leak".
Been running it all AM and thus far no issue. It lit immediately too which I think means th culprit 2 mornings ago was the fact that it had trouble igniting and thus all the propane releasing into the camper.
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