FWC Assistant


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2008
Southern Appalachians
I was out in the garage tonight working on installing some drawers instead of shelves when my assistant showed up.

They're good to have around but I didn't want to smooch him (or her) :eek:
I've had several for pets....and they make surprisingly good pets. No noise to bother the neighbors....only have to feed them about once every two weeks.....they never pee or poop on the carpet.....well, you get the idea.

If you want one for a pet.....get a female. They live 5 times longer than the males. Every male I ever had only lived about one year.
Off-topic, but related:
Years ago I was on vacation in Big Bend National Park, and I came upon a bunch of tarantulas crossing the road. Now...I have an irrational fear of spiders, so to deny that fear that I got out of my car, walked over and squatted down next to one -- and touched it! It reared up on its hind legs as if to say: "Get away from me, human!"
Creepy...but satisfying to combat my irrationality.

Here's the guy/gal I touched in Big Bend (not a great photo, but anyway...):

make surprisingly good pets.

I love it when you get home and they jump in your lap and lick your face :D

We don't get too many around here but this last week or two I and the neighbors have seen quite a few. They eat bugs and probably scorpions so I have no problem having them around. That little guy came back in the garage so I encouraged his departure, that is when he climbed up the stucco garage exterior and went around the corner.

MarkBC Before biting, tarantulas may signal their intention to attack by rearing up into a "threat posture", :LOL: :LOL:
MarkBC Before biting, tarantulas may signal their intention to attack by rearing up into a "threat posture", :LOL: :LOL:

Yeah, I figured it was some version of "No means NO!".
I bought a large toy tarantula down in Baja for my grandson several years ago. It was about a foot across and had a string attached.
It was in his toybox with the string out on the floor and my daughter was vacuuming. When the vacuum caught the string it yanked the thing out of the box. Scared the crap out of her. :LOL:
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