Galena Summit


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
One of the nicest person that Julie and I know is our friend Dan. Beside being an incredible musician - banjo picker, he also enjoys Model A Fords. He still owns and drives the Model A pickup he drove to high school so many years ago. He's due to come up and take Julie for a ride in his Model A Tudor.
Dan commented on our latest blog story as I mentioned Galena Summit in Idaho. He sent us this photo and commentary -

"Here's a photo you might get a kick out of. It's been hanging in our house for many years. I don't hear Galena Summit mentioned very often (never), so I have to send it to you. I bought the photo years ago from a guy who worked at a car repair shop in Diamond Springs. He didn't have any info on it, in fact he had a bunch of old photos for sale. He may have told me where he got them, but if he told me, I've forgotten it at this point. The photo really kind of tells its own story, I've thought about it a lot of times over the years. The pickup is a 1926 or 27 Model T Ford, and it looks fairly new, so I'd put the date of the photo around that time, and not more than a year or two more. I kind of think they bought it for this trip. They are probably fairly well to do ladies, well dressed with the outdoor gear of the day. I would say that Galena Summit was a long way from anywhere back at that time. The lady standing by the sign looks like she could be a hired servant along to take care of the menial camping tasks. Seems like if that person was part of the group she wouldn't be back behind the sign like that. From the poses, and the fact that they are out on a trip like that, I would say we have at least 2 spirited ladies in that photo. What's your take?"

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