Handy Heater - experience and/or opinions?


Dec 18, 2015
San Diego County
Has anyone used the 350-watt "Handy Heater" in a popup? Saw them at Rite-Aid, not too expensive. Space heater plugs directly into outlet and stays there, so is compact with no wiring or extension cords needed. With my Eagle, this could only be used with shore power, since the 110 outlet doesn't feed off the battery. Still, might be a useful and compact item.

The box advises to not use it directly in front of furniture, etc. Has anyone evaluated safety in a small camper configuration?

I have never used that one but I have used this one. I have three years on mine and love it. I have used mine on low setting and about 2/3 on the temp dial. When it is real cold I put it on the counter and I aim it to the bunk area. It is safe and a very good heater. I liked mine so much that I ordered another one to keep on hand if I ever have trouble with mine. I don't have a furnace in my camper.

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