Hanta Virus


Belay On
Site Team
Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
Since many of our travels take us into the heart of hanta virus territory, this is good information. Recently in the news is the report of two separate visitors to Yosemite infected (one died) after staying in Curry Village. In response the California Department of Public Health put out the attached press release.


  • PH12-040 Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome News Release.pdf
    169.5 KB · Views: 106
Since many of our travels take us into the heart of hanta virus territory, this is good information. Recently in the news is the report of two separate visitors to Yosemite infected (one died) after staying in Curry Village. In response the California Department of Public Health put out the attached press release.

Thanks Ski for the info.Boy the things we need to be on the watch for while enjoying nature,and I thought all i needed to worry about were the "bears".Oh and may be Marks vampire bats.
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