Hawk Tundra Turnbuckles

Jan 25, 2018
Western US
Is there an easier, better way to tie the camper to the bed other than using standard turnbuckles? My shoulders are shot and it is nearly impossible for me to squirm around enough to secure the buckles.
Torque Lift Fast Gun Derringer tie downs work good without the difficulty of adjusting each time. They take a little work at first to get dialed in but afterword are literally a snap to use. They are a little expensive ($180 or so) to buy new, but have often been listed used on line for way less money.
moveinon said:
Torque Lift Fast Gun Derringer tie downs work good without the difficulty of adjusting each time. They take a little work at first to get dialed in but afterword are literally a snap to use. They are a little expensive ($180 or so) to buy new, but have often been listed used on line for way less money.
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