Home Built Pop-up camper videos and more


New Member
Dec 17, 2014

I’m a new member of WTW and writing for me is challenging to say the least. So instead of of writing I make videos and post them on youtube.

Below are 3 videos that some members of WTW might like.

1 I built my own pop-up camper and traveled in it for a year.
If you want to check it out click the link below.

2 I made my own camper jack adaptor tool basically it’s just putting a notch into a 22 mm socket.

3 The third video is when it rains it poors. I did have a few problems with the home made camper.

Welcome! We are also curious about the cause of the leak and how you fixed it. It sure didn't look like any fun that dark and stormy night.
I fix the leak with a good quality calk, there were some pops rivets that I didn't seal propertly.
Thanks for watching

ski3pin said:
Welcome! We are also curious about the cause of the leak and how you fixed it. It sure didn't look like any fun that dark and stormy night.

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