Hooooo Doggies! Mashed Taters!

Man that was just right.... Sharing. Being Irish ... as soon as he mentioned Kerry Gold ...I sent it on to my Irish friends ... they may ask me to translate ...and they are particular about what taters are smashed but I know they are gonna like these... I can't wait to try.
I love the crispy taters (spell check keeps changing it to "tattos"!) as well. Thanks for posting ...gets me back on the beam. It his still cold here at 6-8º at night so meals like this are what is needed. Maple sugaring will start in the next 7-10 days then that's all that will be done for a bit.
Well.... the verdict was swift and harsh... the "very thought" of cream cheese .... there was a lot of 'chin wagging' on that ... we have a cultural divide... but the sharing part was a unanimous thumbs up.

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