How to Fix This?


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2015
Northern Nevada
A squirrel got into my FWC Hawk and, although the top was down, somehow managed to chew big holes in the canvas top - see attached photos. Any suggestions how to repair this? I'm at a total loss.

Thanks in advance for your advice,


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Wow! That is nasty… I don’t believe it’s going to be easy to repair.

Did your insurance company cover your camper? Have you talked to FWC regarding the possibility of repairing successfully?

If I owned the camper, I’d consider a complete replacement, and I’d ask for a quote from both FWC & ATC.

I’m sorry that happened to your camper.
They make some adhesive patches but I think you'd have to apply on both sides and then would it still fold down? I don't know if that'd be a good option. You could certainly try before spending the money on a new top.
I’ve not spoken to either FWC or ATC as I discovered this just today. Will certainly contact them next week
Thanks for the suggestion about contacting my insurance company. I had not thought of that and my camper is covered.
UPDATE - talked to State Farm, I have an insurance rider for the camper so they agreed that it's covered. Two third-party companies are now involved. One is getting estimates for the cost of the repairs, the other is valuing the camper to determine if it is worth repairing. Seems rather complicated but I guess that's the way they do business.

I've spoken to both of these organizations. I recommended to the first one that they contact FWC and ATC for repair estimates and suggested to the other that they use this website to get comps for used FWC prices.

I remain cautiously optimistic but am prepared to fight if either of them come back with unreasonable values. I'll provide more updates as I learn more.

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