How To Poop & Pee Outdoors - NOLS

well, learnin' something every day... never thought of using the bidet method before!

Also, I thought the depth of digging a hole depended on the environment type? As in, you want to put your "deposit" in the bioactive layer of the soil, and that varies a lot depending on where you are, no?
I once read a book titled "How To **** In The Woods" which covered all this in detail. My favorite part was the description of the Groover used by river rafters.
i dont know about the rest of u, but these advice folks drive me crazy. 99% of the advice is just common sense. maybe i am jealous for not figuring out this marketing channel.
i mean who would have figured, that if u need to dump in the woods, u need to dig a big enough hole to drop into??
goinoregon said:
i dont know about the rest of u, but these advice folks drive me crazy. 99% of the advice is just common sense. maybe i am jealous for not figuring out this marketing channel.
i mean who would have figured, that if u need to dump in the woods, u need to dig a big enough hole to drop into??

I have to disagree that it is common sense. From what I have seen, and cleaned up, the vast majority of people do not have a clue. This education is clearly needed.
I agree with ski3pin, there was a time that persons who went into the backcountry learned first hand how to do everything from someone who knew how to do everything, be that a parent, mentor, friend or instructor. Just like we all learned self hygiene at home from someone, our parents in most cases. Now people take out a credit card, walk into a store, buy a bunch of stuff, get into their 4WD and head into the backcountry and often have zero first hand info. Education is needed and it seems to be the University of Youtube is the way most people get their experience and knowledge these days.

NOLS is at least a reputable organization, as opposed to just somebody with a video camera.
I could not agree more with ski3pin and Larry! I now have living full time in my camper one of those long handled grabber things whose only purpose in life is to pick up other peoples trash!
I have walked along a beautiful mountain stream only to find piles of toilet paper around the bend. (Who needs water filters?)
I think the Outdoor Industry, NOLS, and Leave No Trace should campaign to have manufacturers include this information in any camping product they make. It obviously is not common sense.
Vic Harder said:
well, learnin' something every day... never thought of using the bidet method before!

Also, I thought the depth of digging a hole depended on the environment type? As in, you want to put your "deposit" in the bioactive layer of the soil, and that varies a lot depending on where you are, no?
Vic, you are correct. I expect this effort by NOLS is to first get their attention. For us it is so much simpler to poop in a bag and carry everything out.
Vic Harder said:
well, learnin' something every day... never thought of using the bidet method before!
I use a bidet that is MUCH better than the method described in this article. I know it as a microscope slide wash bottle - my sister called it a "hillbilly bidet". You need to remove the inner tube in order to use the bottle upside down. I started using it at home too when the hoarders bought up all the toilet paper.
ski3pin said:
I have to disagree that it is common sense. From what I have seen, and cleaned up, the vast majority of people do not have a clue. This education is clearly needed.
A couple of weeks ago I cleaned up the most disgusting campsite I have ever seen. The woman had used the area in a circle around the campsite (a lot of t.p. with no feces = female) but feces too - none of it was buried. The man had used the creek. Several rocks were covered with feces and the t.p. along with a pair of dirty boxer shorts were slowly circling around the eddy in this small creek that I often sit by. They both had used a lot of toilet paper and they were not at all healthy.

I grabbed a trash bag as well as a doggy doo bag to use as a glove but I had no way to clean off the rocks without losing my lunch (which was already threatening - it is probably a good thing that I am used to picking up dog doo but his was really, really gross) I also picked up a half dozen apples as well as dozens of citrus wedges and egg shells. I was so upset that I almost went home. I did go camp somewhere else.

I don't believe that anyone like this can be "educated". I have encountered far too many "adults" who take umbrage at being told they are doing something wrong - I think it is an ego thing.

Poo Haiku
Early spring aspens
No leaves to cover the sun
Why did you poop here?
Thanks for reminder. I need to put another pair of gloves in the camper. Getting low on trash bags too.
craig333 said:
Thanks for reminder. I need to put another pair of gloves in the camper. Getting low on trash bags too.
You are welcome. I had to put more trash bags in my camper after this episode. I forgot I had gloves in my first aid kit but the doggy bags did the job. Thank you for reminding me that I need to put more doggy bags in the truck!

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