
Great stuff, ski.
I know most of these spots (so far), but this makes me want to re-visit.
Great Stuff SKI. I am still in the process of getting my pics together from our Idaho Trip. We were in many of the same areas. We ended up going out White Horse Ranch road as well. The owners of the fields store recommened it as the best route to get to Boise and told us about Willow Creek Hot springs which we over-nighted at. There was only one other person there.

Looking forward to the rest of your report!

<snip> The owners of the fields store recommened it as the best route to get to Boise and told us about Willow Creek Hot springs which we over-nighted at. There was only one other person there.


Yeah, we missed Willow Creek Hot Springs. MarkBC mentioned it to us after we returned home. A guy from Boise we met in the Sawtooths told us about his favorite hot springs along the South Fork of the Salmon River. We had driven right by it. Ah.......but that's one way we learn. Have to go back!
Main Street Yellow Pine, Idaho
We really liked Yellow Pine.

Damn, that's cool!

(Stuff like this -- small-town stuff, interaction with locals -- is almost as rewarding as the natural/wild values, for me...and I'm not even a "people person"!

Yeah, we missed Willow Creek Hot Springs. MarkBC mentioned it to us after we returned home.
Anyone else passing through SE Oregon or NW Nevada who wants some suggestions, feel free to ask me...before you go. (And LuckyDan is more-local than I am of that region, so probably a great resource for tips.)
Great trip report!!!!! :cool:

You were playing in my backyard!!!! I love Yellow Pine. I would like to build a cabin there but they are WAY proud of their lots!!!!

I'd be ALL IN for a WTW rally in Yellow Pine, especially the harmonica festival. Never really cared for harmonicas until I heard teh PROS!!!!! :D
I'm hanging on every word Ski3pin. My llamas and I are in the planning stage of an extended pack trip to Idaho. Thanks for the wealth of detailed information. Looking forward to a TR of your backpack trip.
Wow, just wow. This is a spectacular trip report, Ski.
Love the photography, as always. The scenery, well even us spoiled Sierrans can see the Sawtooths are amazing.
Plus the wildlife and lack of people.

Keep it going. We're all on the edge of our seats!
OK, ski...can I go with on your next outing? I can't figure out how to have trips half as good as yours!
Nah...just kidding -- I'd never be able to keep up.

Looks great.
Fantastic pics. Sure glad you posted some of areas I'll never see. Even at the peak of my backpacking days I never did anything like that.
Wonderful trip report, Ski. In fact, too good! See, national productivity drops when you post a trip report, which leads to a drop in the economy. So knock it off.

Just kidding of course. You and The Lady really do live a wonderful life. I know we have planned trips by reading your reports and I bet many who go to Idaho in the future will be rereading this one over and over. Great stuff.
Thanks for the Whitehorse (Ranch) Rd #203 hint. I am working on the path now for our trip to SE Oregon in a few short weeks. I am personally fond of terrible roads, but with wife along, she always thinks we're going to break something whenever we hit a pothole. Knowing that is a good road (considered so by the locals) is helpful.
Wonderful trip report, Ski. In fact, too good! See, national productivity drops when you post a trip report, which leads to a drop in the economy. So knock it off.

:D Good one, Ted.

Actually, I just heard a blurb on the news that allowing employees a little time to check their favorite web sites during the day actually makes them more productive. So carry on, Ski!

Another great trip report with beautiful images, and I've got some more info for my next trip to the Sawtooths. Thanks!
Thanks for that wonderful report. We really need to start wandering the North West, absolutely beautiful. I think we'd really enjoy Yellow Pine too. Good stuff.
Wonderful trip report, Ski. In fact, too good! See, national productivity drops when you post a trip report, which leads to a drop in the economy. So knock it off.


Our friend Ted, that was good! :rolleyes:
<snip> I think we'd really enjoy Yellow Pine too.

I think you would. They might even make you mayor for a day. There is a lot you can do around Yellow Pine. Rivers everywhere.

All, thanks for the very kind comments. It's appreciated!
You passed through our backyard.... we love the Big Creek/Yellow Pine area. There's neat nearby areas to explore; the Ghost towns of Stibnite, Cinnibar, and Roosevelt. All of these are further past Yellow Pine and are worth the slow drive. A person can easily spend a week exploring this area.

It would be a great area for a WTW Rally as long as participant's understood the slow and sometime rough travel conditions. Thanks for the trip report.

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