I'm dying here


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
El Cajon CA

There are trails beckoning to me! My Hawk is screeching for freedom! It wants to fly!

However, I am still waiting for my custom spring pack to arrive. Drats!

I would venture forth but my Tundra has very little bump-stop clearance and even a hard bump in town can bottom me out.

I went out in my Jeep to try to cope but the idea of finding some little visited place to camp still haunts me.


The red carpet in the camper has not yet been contaminated with grime. Such a shame.

IMG_8046 sm.jpg



There is hope however. The springs are due any day. Hope my heart holds up.

La Mesa CA
The red carpet in the camper has not yet been contaminated with grime. Such a shame.

I should get some carpet that color - it will hide my wine spills. :)

FWIW, we went a number of years with the camper but without airbags on our Tundra. We did have overload springs on the original springs, but they weren't much more than a c-clamp. You could probably get away with doing some plain gravel roads in National Forest to help you get by.

Blast on up to Kitchen Creek, Just past Buckman Springs off the 8. There is no off roading there per se but its a great little camp ground that is usually pretty quiet. and it's only an hour away!

We should probably meet, I live in Bay Park right now but am moving back to La Mesa in a couple weeks, I have a vintage Fleet.

John Cyr
I am getting peeved with the Deaver Suspension company. They couldn't be slower is making a custom pack. However I went Jeeping to Oriflamme trail (and others) Monday in the Jeep. Saw a camp-spot that I would like. Totally isolated next to a small desert creek under some trees. Will try that one next year. Desert is up to 95 degrees now.


Let me know when you hit La Mesa. I live on the entrance road to Lake Murray near Starbucks.

Great videos, Keith! What are you shooting those with (camera/lens)?

I'm just up the road from you too - in El Cajon - and have a '92 Ranger II on a Ford Ranger. I already had an add-a-leaf installed and ended up putting the Firestone air bags in for a little extra support. So far so good. Good luck with the new leafs!

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