is a car wash safe


May 3, 2007
We have not taken our truck and camper through a car wash since we bought the camper. Is it safe? Has anyone experienced things breaking off? Are some types of car washes worse for the camper than others?

I wouldn't even put a $2000 honda through a car wash. :D

I'd be worried about water getting inside compartments, behind the exterior siding, etc in addition to ripping off a fantastic fan vent, popup latch, or camper jack.
car wash

I used to take a camper through a car wash on a regular basis. Then the last time that I did, something on the car wash machine caught the awning on the camper and tore it up. The car wash paid for the awning but would not put the camper through again. I never took it to another car wash after that.
Thanks all. I guess I was just looking for an easy way out. I need to wash our rig and its COLD outside.
Well theres always the Church/mosque,synagogue, boy/girl scout/, clubs, etc car washes in local parking lots and you can right it off as a charitable donation.
not a good idea !

most car washes are rough

we had a customer come in last year that took their camper through an automatic car was and something caught the roof and tore a hole in the camper roof about 3' long

a very expensive lesson to learn

I have used the self-serve pressurized washes with pretty good luck

just don't get the wand too close or spray it directly into openings like the refrigerator vents, furnace vents, propane boxes, etc.


We've got the same issue here and even the touch less car wash days are over. The winter muck is now building up and it's too cold most of the time to hand wash. We usually wait for that unusual warm day and give it a sponge bath. Good Luck.
I've been taking mine through one (3 times now, today included), its a high pressure hand wash, no brushes or moving parts. So far no leaks or problems, it has plenty of clearance, and believe me I checked first! However, I do not have a furnace/fridge so no vents or anything to be concerned with. No water enters through my propane door either. So far so good. Guess I'll continue to do so unless the experts really suggest not doing it under my circumstances.
go waterless

I have been using an eco-friendly waterless car car wash product on my cars lately. I just got my FWC so have not tried it on that yet. This would allow you to wash it inside your garage and stay warm. The one I am using is called Green Earth and you get about 7 washes out of a $20 bottle.

Bob in LA
Nice product

I have been using an eco-friendly waterless car car wash product on my cars lately. I just got my FWC so have not tried it on that yet. This would allow you to wash it inside your garage and stay warm. The one I am using is called Green Earth and you get about 7 washes out of a $20 bottle.

Bob in LA

That looks like good stuff. I just ordered some. Thanks for posting the link.

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