Is it possible to change a topic title after creating it?


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2016
Boise, ID
I just added a new post "How to prevent getting locked out of camper" and would like to change it to "Here is how to prevent getting locked out of camper" because it currently sounds like a question or request for help when it is actually providing the solution.
I believe a member can edit the title of any thread they start. If you can’t see/use topic moderation, send the new title to one of the site team. It’s at the top of each thread.
This works for me (and I don't think it's just because I'm a Moderator):
Click on "edit" in your first post in the topic.
When the editing box shows up, click on "Use Full Editor".
The "Full Editor" includes the Topic Title as an editable part.

This may only work in full desktop view mode -- not "mobile device" mode.
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