Jupiter --> Venus


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
Have you noticed in the evening western sky how close the mighty Jupiter has approached the lovely Venus now?
It's gettin' kinda like, "Get a room!"

I pointed out this "courting" in my recent trip report, but they're quite a bit more intimate now.
(And I forgot to try to spot Mercury, despite highz's prompt.
Oh well...maybe in a few months.)
Yes I have noticed. I tend to look up - birds, airplanes, clouds, the moon, planets and stars are all interesting.

Mercury and Venus are always fun to see, as are two or more planets at once. BTW, Mars is currently in the eastern sky.

A bit off topic, but you might like these pictures of mars. I certainly do.
BTW, Mars is currently in the eastern sky.

Yes, I first noticed that on my trip...and when I step outside at home before I go to bed (I always step out my front door and look at the sky or weather before I go to bed) I see Mars high in the east.

In my "Jupiter courting Venus" fantasy the rest of the story is, "Angry Mars watches the pair from far across the sky...and broods resentfully
Maybe Mars has been hired by Juno to spy on this tryst?

By the way, Mars had its closest approach to Earth on March 5. If you have, or know someone who has a telescope, now's the time to observe Mars.
Maybe Mars has been hired by Juno to spy on this tryst?
Yeah...I bet you're right.

On my recent trip, during the long drives and sometimes during the long nights I was listening to an audiobook version of the fantasy novels "A Song of Ice and Fire"...so intrigue, adultery, betrayal, and back-stabbing among the nobles was where my head was.

By the way, Mars had its closest approach to Earth on March 5. If you have, or know someone who has a telescope, now's the time to observe Mars.

And thanks for this tip, highz! I hadn't heard that Mars was particularly close but I had noticed it in the sky more than I usually do.
Yes, I first noticed that on my trip...and when I step outside at home before I go to bed (I always step out my front door and look at the sky or weather before I go to bed) I see Mars high in the east.

In my "Jupiter courting Venus" fantasy the rest of the story is, "Angry Mars watches the pair from far across the sky...and broods resentfully

That's pretty funny. I suspect you know that the planets got there names from Roman mythology, which was effectively stolen from Greek mythology. I also suspect that you know that Mars=Ares, Venus=Aphrodite and Jupiter=Zues.

IIRC, Ares, the god of war was married to the beautiful Aprhodite, inventore of the plow, oxe harness and other implements for tilling the earth. Zues, king of the gods, was a horndog and would mate with just about any beautiful woman - god or mortal.
It's been quite a celestial show. I've been watching the courtshop too.
Thanks for the tip on Mars, EdoHart. I was pretty sure I had seen his red sulky orb lurking in the east.
Very interesting. This got me to thinking. When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!

Now where did I leave my tie dyed t-shirt? And what the heck happened to my hair?! Hey, these brownies taste funny, Oh well maybe it's time for my morning nap. :oops:

Peace brothers,

Very interesting. This got me to thinking. When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!

Now where did I leave my tie dyed t-shirt? And what the heck happened to my hair?! Hey, these brownies taste funny, Oh well maybe it's time for my morning nap. :oops:

Peace brothers,


Right on!

Been enjoying the celestial tales and information, thanks!
Thanks to all for this fine thread. On my trip to Panama I was watching the sky,pretty much the same just things higher .I forgot to look for the southern cross but it may not be visible from Panama. Did someone forget Saturn? He is lurking behind Mars about an hour or so.Haven't seen Mercury I think it's to low now.

Pass the brownies and the tie dyed tees.
Oh man, you guys are killing me. So much light pollution here that one can only see the brightest stars. We can barely see the Milky Way now.
Makes me yearn for the desert night sky. The stars so bright that you can actually see a little of your surroundings.

Counting the days...
So much light pollution here that one can only see the brightest stars. We can barely see the Milky Way now.

The fortunate thing about Venus & Jupiter is that you should be able to see them even with the light-pollution of the brightest metropolis, assuming the skies are clear....
...but isn't it a bit damp-and-cloudy in BC -- even without the light pollution in the cities?
Damp, cloudy? Never here! ;)

Generally Venus is visible when I go outside. But then I get all damp and moldy - Gormley Green should be able to attest to this :p

If I can get my carcass out of bed early enough, my morning bike ride to work at dawn is quite spectacular. But usually I sleep in and have to endure biking with cars and buses. My fault totally.
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