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Jul 26, 2011
New England
Just a sentiment worthy of a little thought. Again. This was a letter to the editor in our small town newspaper this morning. Never hurts to be reminded.

On being kind

It is springtime, which brings back memories of my idealistic youth. But perhaps, idealism springs eternal? In what follows, I express to the Recorder editors and readers some idealistic views on kindness through the words of others.
On a marquee outside of an Ash- field Church (which prompted this letter): “Kind atheists are closer to Jesus than mean Christians.”
“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” — Fred Rogers
“Love’s in need of love today; Don’t delay. Send yours in right away. Hate’s goin’ round, breaking many hearts. Stop it please, before it’s gone too far.” — Stevie Wonder
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” — Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (similar sentiments are tenets of almost all world religions)
“Even the smallest act of kind- ness can make a big difference in the world.” — Dr. Martin Luther King
“When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.” — Buddha
“The world is based on three things — on the Torah, on the ser- vice of God, and upon acts of loving- kindness.” (Pirkei Avot 1:2) — Shi- mon the Righteous
“L et’s change the way we treat each other.” — 2Pak
“Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moc- casins.” — Cheyenne proverb
“Come on, people now; Smile on your brother; Everybody get to- gether; Try to love one another right now.” — The Youngbloods
Isn’t it time that we get back in touch with our common humanity? Be kind, be kind, be kind.
Love this topic... Thanks buckland! Here's my $.02 -

“You need Power,
only when you want
to do something harmful
Love is enough to get everything done.”
Charlie Chaplin
That's a good quote Vic... and essentially true. One needs power to force ... love just makes people follow.

And Frank... me too.... such a time when that song came out... especially the introduction ... the few notes ......
We were young and hopeful ...idealistic but hey.... beats being thought of as grabbers. I always am amazed when I read an elder statesman's reminisces of what they would do differently and almost all wish they had been a bit kinder.

Youngins should take note
This was sent to me a couple of years ago. I thought it was a good reminder:

chilli copy.jpg
JaSan ... its moments like those that can be life changing in outlook. I really like hearing about random acts of kindness. Like folks who called their home heating company and asked if there was anybody recently unable to pay their bill. Then saying they got their stimulus check and they don't really "need" it.... so they anonymously pay that person's bill. Imagine the impact that had on the person feeling overwhelmed. These things give me hope and man, there is a lot of other stuff out there that makes me shake my head.

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