Long distance fireworks viewing?


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I'm planning on heading up to Ice House Reservoir for New Years Eve to get my dog away from the insanity that occurs in my part of Sacramento. Depending on snow conditions I hope to not have to camp in the parking lot.

Has anyone watched fireworks from a long distance? I'm wondering if it might be worth a trip up to Big Hill to watch. Hate to break camp if its not worth it.

How's New Years where you live? In spite of Law Enforcement and Fires pronouncements about how well they're doing, neither does a thing as far as I can tell in my part of town. Thousand of dollars of fireworks (and I mean a single party) will be shot off till it slowly winds down after 3am. Its worse on the Fourth of July but not by much.
Just on a note about your pooch and fireworks ... I have had dogs that got traumatized by them. One thing I tried that helped a lot was a 'Thunder Shirt" ... designed by an Autistic woman who specializes in humane ways to slaughter food animals...I know sounds weird but as in swaddling ...wrapping a baby calms them, so does this elastic shirt. We used it for thunderstorms and it didn't cure her of it but markedly made her less stressed. Also heard CBD oil drops can calm them if started a few days ahead. I hate the whole fireworks thing (illegal in my state but not the one 20 miles from here) ... I know it is 'fun' but it is not very considerate of others in a crowded area
Anyway Happy New Year and good luck!

Just thought... crazy thought perhaps... you own noise canceling headphones? Nah my dog would just eat them.
craig333 said:
Has anyone watched fireworks from a long distance? I'm wondering if it might be worth a trip up to Big Hill to watch. Hate to break camp if its not worth it.
The Halloween fireworks display 2 miles and 250ft below our home is close enough to be worth walking out to the front street to view.

The trip up the mountain to watch the large, main city display 5 miles away and 2,000ft below is fine for the novelty but otherwise too much travel for too little reward.
We routinely see 4th of July fireworks at the town of Cape Charles, VA which is over 15 miles across the mouth of Chesapeake Bay from our place in Virginia Beach. It's right on the horizon but on a clear night, they're fun to see. We have a closer view of the Fort Story show just 2 miles away and we can hear that one. In the Blue Ridge, we can see the Foscoe and the Beech Mountain displays, some 5 and 15 miles distant, respectively. No audio on those (well, a little from Foscoe). Bottom line is long distance viewing is enjoyable and involves none of the crazy or the risks.

Riley doesn't enjoy the noise but he doesn't get totally freaked out. I'll sleep better out of town :)
I've watched fireworks with dogs from a mile or so away. The older dog ignored them, the younger dog barked a few times and then began wrestling with the older dog. I'll add that the older dog, a Golden Retriever, was terrified of gunshot and thunder but was beginning to lose his hearing and the younger dog, a Lab, was a hunting dog who got excited at a gun shot (sitting on his butt waiting for the command) because it meant he had a job to do. Every dog is different.

In any case have a Happy New Year!

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