Monitor Valley, NV


Advanced Member
Aug 23, 2007
El Dorado, CA
I'm looking to get away for a few days sometime between now and April 10. I'd like to keep it within 6 hours of the Sacramento area. The info I've found here on Monitor Valley looks interesting but I see the elevations are generally over 7000 feet. Does anyone know what the likely conditions would be with regard to snow this time of year? Thanks for your help.
I expect the main road is fine...though there may be muddy spots. I think the main road in the valley floor is pretty-much passable most of the time year round -- there are ranches there that need access. (In mid-winter you might have to go a long way around to get into the valley, though)

If I was heading to Monitor Valley I'd call the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Austin Ranger District (775) 964-2671 and the Tonopah Ranger District (775) 482-6286 (Austin covers the north half, Tonopah the south) and ask them about road and trail conditions.

Happy trails -- it's a great, little-visited, area.

BTW: For a handy (if I do say so myself) display of current weather across the Great Basin, Mojave, Sonoran, (and a wee part of Chihuahuan) -- including Austin and Tonopah, Nevada -- check out my Desert Weather page.
I'm looking to get away for a few days sometime between now and April 10. I'd like to keep it within 6 hours of the Sacramento area. The info I've found here on Monitor Valley looks interesting but I see the elevations are generally over 7000 feet. Does anyone know what the likely conditions would be with regard to snow this time of year? Thanks for your help.

Great area, that! Lonely, though.
I'm looking to get away for a few days sometime between now and April 10. I'd like to keep it within 6 hours of the Sacramento area. The info I've found here on Monitor Valley looks interesting but I see the elevations are generally over 7000 feet. Does anyone know what the likely conditions would be with regard to snow this time of year? Thanks for your help.

I'd save it for later in the year so you can really enjoy the area. Is Mojave Preserve close enough for you?
A call to the Austin Ranger District office confirmed what many said here, some snow on the ground and changeable conditions. It looks like we'll head up to the north coast which is our usual spring destination. Who knows? After Friday's tsunami it may look very different from my last visit.
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