More Vandalism of Ancient Rock Art

I pray to all that is sacred i never witness this stupidity.
What is wrong with people?
I would love to see them get life in prison for this, another place that will be ruined for the rest of our lives and beyond.
And then, the over-reacting fools on the other side will ban the rest of us from going there. Sound familiar?
Somebody saw this or knew of it possibly, kick up the reward for them to come forward.

Sorry, pissed, maybe not life in prison, don't know how you can punish an idiot in any way that life hasn't already.
If it is teens they'll be stupid enough to put it on social media. Reminds me, I need to take some paint thinner to the dog park :(
burns me up... makes me tired of these stupid humans.... the more I know the more I love my dog
Strange as it may sound, the perpetrators are likely not crazy, deranged or stupid. Likely misinformed and perhaps self-centered though. Education and community work in restoring vandalized sites would probably serve them and us better than imprisonment.

That’s my $0.02 anyway.
Vic Harder said:
Strange as it may sound, the perpetrators are likely not crazy, deranged or stupid. Likely misinformed and perhaps self-centered though. Education and community work in restoring vandalized sites would probably serve them and us better than imprisonment.

That’s my $0.02 anyway.
If this is the case, I'd like them to post every bit of their restoration and clean up work for all their friends to watch and learn from. And how about talks before clubs, meet ups, classes, etc. ?
I absolutely agree ... after 30 years teaching.... best way to go is to educate. Community service and reality therapy is better then sticking them in a box. ( though it sure sounds good).
For over 30 years, as a BLM archaeologist, I tried to protect, manage, inform, educate and help catch and prosecute (as an expert witness) those members of the the public who broke the law when it comes to protecting our heritage. And do you know what-while some of them can be educated especially when young, no cultural site can ever be protected against a determined individual, who for what ever reason-whether (1) for the shear joy of vandalizing something (especially if it is signed and you are told by the "government" not too!), (2) you want to take it and sell it or add it to your own collection , (3) you don't know any better and in many cases don' t care anyway and (4) was really an accident!

Okay, am still bitter over how it seems that more and more of the "Public" these days don't care about "their " own resources " they destroy-even if it was their own tax money had just been wasted! Yep throw them in jail and some will still never learn. I remember one guy we caught, prosecuted and actually went to jail for a year!!! And within a month or so of getting out-he got caught again! There are whole families out there that believe that it is there :"God-given right": to do what they want to out on the public lands! Ah, enough of my bitches, would I still spend all those years trying to protect those resources again-Yes of course I would. It is our land and we need to protect it and as we have said many times here-every time you see a flyer in the paper requesting public input into some land plan or other please give it if you can-I don';t know how many public meetings we had where nobody but the same old bunch showed up to give their 2 cents. Go and give yours -that and voting are the only legal choices you have if you want to keep on enjoying your public lands :D!

After reading the responses, and yes realizing my thoughts were not going to help the situation. I came to the conclusion that, some people just do stupid things.
Why, i have no idea.
For now, i will try harder to clean up more while i am out and about.
I’m angry, but my sadness is stronger. I just don’t get people. And if it was kids that is even worse. To have hate like that at a young age.

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