Mr. Johnson travels (pics)

That's one heckuva road trip he's on. Thanks for posting.
Your friend must be pleased his camper went to good use!
Oh man, those shots are phenominal.

We definitely need to get more of those. Keep them coming.

Thanks, all
Always good to dream about summer trips....

dave in rainy and snowy seattle.....
I love that country in Colorado. I have ridden Imogene and Ophir passes on my mountain bike. Not for the faint of heart!
I thought I remembered a thread on this guy's adventures.

Didn't realize this was your friends Eagle, pvstoy...but as you can see...the FWC and the rest of Mr. Johnson's toys went up in flames in one of the many CA fires this Fall.

Damn. Damn. Damn. Anyone know this guy in real time? I wonder if another FWC is in his future or if he/his family are simply struggling to make ends meet after this tragedy? My thoughts/best vibes go out, either way....
No kidding. I was shocked.

FWIW...I hit the link on his page and sent him an email...

I told him about WTW/the good folks here...and that his page and "kcwyo"'s page on the Expedition forum were the "tales" and the pics that seriously helped to tip the scale for me on the decision to buy an FWC.

such a shame. I knew everyone here would relate to the loss of the FWC...though in the overall scheme of things such a loss is probably small potatoes.

I'll let you all know what he says about his current situation if he shoots me a mail in return.

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