My Pilgrimage to Woodland


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2012
New Jersey

I live on the east coast and I’ve had an interest in pop up campers (more specifically Four Wheel campers) since I sold my hardside 3800# camper 3 years ago. The problem I’ve run into is actually seeing one. I have the misfortune to live on, in Four Wheel camper terms, the forgotten coast.

So I took a trip out to Woodland (Mecca for the devoute) to check out the Four Wheel camper show room / factory and also made a stop at Sugar Loaf this past weekend and I was left with the following impressions.

The Product: The Four Wheel campers are well built and nicely styled, these campers are a study in form follows function with a healthy dose of good taste. The aluminum frames are nicely welded and achieve an excelent balance of strength and weight. Nothing is overdone, weight, function, simplicity and a healthy dose of quality appear to be the aim of the company. All while keeping cost in mind and when you compare the FWC to other similar products the value becomes obvious.

The People: Right from the beginning it became clear that these guys (and girls) are as passionate about building and selling these campers as their customers (existing or perspective) are about buying and using them. These guys use these campers and strive for innovation and excellence. Stan, Mike and Chincale (sorry if I butchered the spelling) went out of there way to answer my questions and make me feel welcome. It became very clear that Tom has taken a good product and consistently improved upon it while assembling a true team where their devotion to the product and their mutual respect for each other was obvious and impressive to witness. Hats off to you Tom for your accomplishments with FWC and for the kindness that you showed me.

The FWC Owners: I spent a short time at the rally to see the campers being used and meet some owners. All of the Owners that I spoke with were ecstatic with the campers….They just love them.

As for Myself: I’m sold, and look forward to the day when I’m actually invited to an owners rally.
Welcome DanT,

I, too, live on the East Coast, where one never sees FWCs. So I went on a similar pilgrimage to Woodland last fall and was similarly impressed with the campers and with the people. Now I'm waiting to take posession of my new Fleet. The best deal for me was to buy it from Sean, the Wisconsin dealer. So, I'll make another pilgrimage, this time to Wisconsin, to get it later this summer.

- Bernard
Thanks for this post, DanT.

I have already ordered a Grandby to pick up at Sean's in Eagle, Wisconsin, this summer. As I live overseas and will be moving back to the States (East Coast), Sean has gone way out of his way to be of help to me in getting not only a camper, but also a truck ordered.

Reading your post only heats up the already fever-pitch excitement!

It seems like we're moving into a really great community!
Welcome Bernard and TZ to the family,
And you too Dan for your future purchase.

When you get your campers consider a regional rally in your areas. Easy to put on I offer my help to guide you if you want to
Consider it.
Our FWC Hawk and Sean and Diana at Go Anywhere in WI have both far exceeded my expectations.

East coast rally? That would be great. It would then be possible for our camper to be on both west and east coast our first summer!
Stan it was great meeting your whole team. I'll be there Oct 3-5 Asheville , North Carolina Overland expo east.
Bernard and TZ congrats,,,,,,,don't forget to post pictures.
JCatt and RC a rally would be a great idea. RC I'd love to take you up on your rally organizing help, let me first make sure I have a FWC to take to the rally, otherwise I might feel a little foolish. When I do have one I'll be sure to post pictures and ask for your help in making it happen.
On another note, I have spoken with Sean a while ago and he helped steer me in the direction of the options that I have chosen, good guy, I'm glad to see that he's banging them out and keeping everyone happy. It's great dealing with people who have a strong desire to do the right thing.
"FWC…the right thing team", could be catchy ?
Thanks for the congratulations! I am so excited for the end of July to come when we get to first meet our new truck and camper. I'll do my best to post pictures then; I know I'm going to take a bunch. As far as a catchy slogan goes, I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of things come to mind after we have a chance to get to know it better! Meantime, your idea and any others are great.
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