Need to attach awning to beams?

breathe deep

Jun 11, 2010
Hello folks.

Getting the Eagle ready for a month long trip down to Baja. I purchased a Fiamma awning and it is a bit unclear as to whether i need to attach it to supports? I had a friend tell me to take apart the siding on from the inside and find some stringers to attach to. Does not sound like something i want to do.

Was wondering if there is some plywood running aling the side that i can anchor it into?

Thanks for any responses and recommendations.

Plywood? Blasphemy!

Seriously though there will be places to mount it securely, a call to FWC might be able to give you some measurements as to where on your Eagle to mount it.


just a little off-topic:
Can anyone direct me to more photos of the bare-aluminum frame -- more angles (on this forum/gallery or elsewhere)? Ideally of models/vintage similar to my 2005 FWC Hawk, but other FWC OK.
(I'm usually a believer/practitioner of "Search!", but kinda hard to search for image characteristics ;) )
Thanks guys. :)
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