New to me Cougar on an F150 Supercrew


Advanced Member
Jan 12, 2013
I bought the 2011 ATC Cougar that has been listed in the classifieds here yesterday. I was leery about the length on my 5.5ft bed but decided that half of the ~1000lb ATC was no worse than having a decent size trailer's tongue weight on the hitch. After having it loaded, it drives fine. I found a suspension shop in NoLa that can rebuild and add to my spring pack to easily handle the load so I'll be going that route, as well as adding a rear sway bar and some load range E tires. I've been messing around with it all day. Can't wait for a test run next weekend.

The first mods start tomorrow. I'll make some brackets that bolt onto the jack brackets to clip the awning legs to so we can get them out of the way as well as build some supports for the storm flaps so they can be used as awnings.

Anyway here is a pic from the trial fit last weekend.


And a couple of it set up with the awning out


I checked that yesterday. The stock lug nut wrench/crossbar that you use to turn the extension obviously won't work. But I have a box end wrench that fits the square end of the extension perfectly that I'll carry to turn it.
Well, it was a productive afternoon. I built some supports for the storm flaps out of 1.5"x.25" poplar strips and 1.5" wide Velcro. Stapled the Velcro to the poplar and used the Velcro as a hinge.
Shorter arms for the flaps next to the bed to keep the morning sun out of our eyes.


And a detail shot.


And for the Dometic Catalina 2500 awning, I added some brackets on the jack brackets to support the legs off of the ground. 1.25"x1/16" aluminum angle cut to bolt to the bottom two holes of the brackets. Then a pin with a "R" key to attach the leg to the bracket securely through the tent peg holes in the feet.

No pics of it up as I forgot to take them until I had rolled it in the attach the storm flap supports.
But here it one of the brackets. You can use your imagination as to how it works.

Installed a Hellwig rear sway bar yesterday and a set of Firestone airbags this afternoon. Both made an incredible improvement in how the rig handles. I only have 27# in the bags and the truck is only a half inch under stock height in the rear. It rides almost like stock unloaded with the exception of the shocks not really being up to this much weight. We are taking a shakedown trip to a state park this weekend to see how our packing list and the setup fares. Pics and a report to follow.

Btw, while a PITA to do, it is possible to install the bags with the camper on the truck. Jack a couple of inches on the frame and slide a jack stand under while the tire is still touching the ground. Then jack under the axle to lift the wheel enough to remove it. Finally, lower the jack under the axle just enough to have room to install the bags. Worked great and kept me from having to take off the camper when I'd just have to reinstall it tomorrow.
I took this pic just at dusk. Needless to say, we had a blast and have a list of things to do and get for the next trip.

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