New WTW Members


Advanced Member
Apr 19, 2022
Skagit Valley, Washington
Hello Wander the West people!

After a couple years of lurking and learning so much from the many fine and helpful forum users here, I've finally registered and joined the club. I figured the best way to dive in here is to introduce ourselves with some personal and camper information.

My fellow camper, hereafter (and affectionately!) referred to as "wifey", and I came into possession of a 2011 4 wheel camper Eagle model about 3 years ago. The information we gleaned from this site was a tremendous help in this major lifestyle decision. So, I want to say thank you to all of the contributors to threads such as "buyers guide" etc...

Given what's transpired with the market for these campers over the past few years, we realize now how fortunate we are to have purchased the Eagle when we did. Many of the minor upgrades we've made have also been informed by this forum.

Wifey and I are in our early 50s and located in NW Washington. As "working stiffs", with varied outdoor and travel interests, we have only scratched the surface in terms of camper use thus far. Our bigger trips have been to lonely and remote areas in southern and eastern Oregon. Here in Washington, we frequently use the camper for trips across the Cascades for camping, mountain biking, mushroom foraging, and (me) chasing upland birds with our 3 year old griffon, Mila. Our other "go to" is family property in our local San Juan Islands.

With the new camping season upon us and some electrical upgrades under way, I wanted to finally say hello, prepare you for requests for input, and reiterate our thanks to the members who have unwittingly helped us take the plunge.

All for now!

Hi there, Happy Campers! Welcome to WTW! Not only do you have a nice camper, but a griffon, too. Real dogs dogs have beards! Hopefully, we will run into you before long, and talk campers and dogs.
Hi Wandering Sagebrush! Yes, hope we can meet or at least chat. Just so you know,you are one of the members that have been highly inspirational in this quest.

We have family in Wallowa and Bend, been enchanted by a couple 2021 trips to the John Day, and heard many chukar calling in between. Hoping for good long trip down that way this fall.
Welcome to Wander the West and a big thank you for your informative introduction. Best wishes for continued enjoyment of your camper and travels!
Oh man, ski3pin - another great forum contributor who's past posts have been so helpful! Your trip posts are a great motivation for getting further from home than we have thus far.

Have assumed you are/were a tele guy? I'm still relying on surgically repaired my knees for work, so all manner of skiing, has been dialed back the past couple years.
Howdy Happy Campers! We live in Portland and spend a lot of time in southern Utah, Nevada, Death Valley and Arizona. Also explored the area around Mt Adams quite a bit last summer after the heat dome. Happy to share ideas with you if you are looking for info.

There are some very savvy electrical folks here. They can help, I am sure.

Welcome to the best run forum on the internet! Folks here love to share info and ideas. I have a 2011 Eagle as well and have had great times in it and making mods to it. I'm sure you will never regret your camper purchase. A great way to explore!
Rob (Buckland)
Thank you AWG, Vic, and Rob for the warm welcome! More familiar names with knowledge, experience, and willingness to share.

Having used this forum previously to inform our camper acquisition and minor truck and camper modifications, the generosity of the members and the complete absence of bickering, attitude, or superiority make this place special. You may not realize it, but most forums are not like this.

I've been abusing the search function the past week to try to troubleshoot and ramp up my knowledge regarding electrical systems. Will post my scenario in the appropriate section in the next day or so. I just looked at the calendar and realize I need to get on this so it doesn't turn into a stressful time crunch!
HappyCampers said:
Have assumed you are/were a tele guy? I'm still relying on surgically repaired my knees for work, so all manner of skiing, has been dialed back the past couple years.
Yup, pretty close. Julie and I were both back country ski patrol and called to help with winter mountain SAR on free heel skis for over 30 years. We always found teaching and education much more rewarding then SAR incidents where recreation has taken a turn for the worst. We've been known for our long backcountry tours with peaks and teles thrown in. Julie is one of the best survival skiers I've seen. When snow conditions are awful and you want to know what to do, follow her. We took this season off - not hard with the continuing drought - for Julie's knee replacements and rebuilding muscle. I'm looking forward to seeing how she does when back on the snow. There hasn't been much knee bend in her teles for years.

Welcome to the Cult, HappyCampers!

As you know, we're a fine crew with tons of shared experience. This same site helped me take the plunge 12 years ago.

I'm not knowlegeable about falconry, but it would be great to have another fungi forager in the group!
Hello and thanks for the greeting Lighthawk and Frank - a couple more familiar names!

Appreciated the video clip ski3pin and empathize with Julie's not-so-deep knee bends. Hoping her replacements give 'new life'.

Lighthawk, wanted to clarify that the birds I'm chasing are ones I'm hoping accidentally fly in front of the scatter gun. Generally they're pretty safe!

We have a decent weekend forecasted, so wifey, Mila, and I are making the ferry hop over to the San Juan Islands. Will give me a chance to do some more electrical diagnosis on the camper.
Yep-this site talked me through a whole bunch of upgrades on my 05 Grandy over the years and provided a safe place to bitch and talk about the back country----not to mention a few "get-to-gethers" out in the boonies over the years! Speaking of same-it must be time to see who survived these last few very bad years and have another one :LOL:! anyway welcome aboard !!

Wandering Sagebrush said:
Smoke, yer in charge… when? where?
Smoke, you maybe could seduce Julie and me into coming if you bring some of those special hot dogs from the market in Susanville. :)

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