Newbie with questions about purchasing a FWC.


New Member
Oct 7, 2020
Hey everyone, I am new here and have started doing my research in hopes to get a new FWC soon! I am coming from a 16' Airstream but need something that will allow me to go further off road.

I have two questions:

1.) How often are you guys taking off your camper and storing it? Do you leave it on all summer or do you only put it on when you are going for a trip?

2.) I am not opposed to buying used, but as you know it is difficult to find the right one. The model I would have built if I went new is a Raven that is fully loaded and will cost about $35k out the door. How much will that depreciate once I drive it home? I am worried about losing $10k right off the bat for buying new as I haven't really seen many used FWC for more than $25k. But then again I just recently started looking so maybe they go for more.

Any information is helpful! Thank you and I'm excited to learn more about these awesome campers.
First of all welcome to the forum.

For the first 6 years of owning my FWC I took it off the truck maybe 3 times. Now that I have a different truck and don't camp as often I take it off after each trip. Loading takes under 15 minutes.

Yes used FWCs are hard to come by but they do exist. If you have patience, flexibility and willingness to drive you should be able to find one. I don't know much about appreciation but 35K is a lot.
Purchased new in 2016, never been off the truck.

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