Odell Lake

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
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Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
The Bride and I wanted to check out Odell Lake (Willamette Pass area) for fishing and camping opportunities, so we booked a couple of nights at Odell Lake Resort, one of the old timer resorts of the area. We didn't have the camper on the truck, so it was the travel trailer and no boat.

Odell Lake itself looks like a wonderful place to chase kokanee and mackinaw and it has the reputation to back that up, but we were really disappointed in the lodge and its campground. Let's just say that Odell Lake Resort is not a place I will return to.

The Forest Service campgrounds, on the other hand were clean and looked well managed. The only downside to two of them was road noise from highway 58. At the west end of the lake was a nice newer lodge that appeared well cared for, plus the Trapper Creel FS campground. When we return with the boat, it will probably Trapper Creek CG or Shelter Cove Resort.

I just noticed that there is a blue green algae warning for the lake as of late July. With our warming temperatures, this is becoming more and more frequent throughout many lakes in Oregon.
I understand your disappointment. Many "resorts" I've seen are basic hunter cabins that would have been nice once upon a time. Last year my wife and I drove the Denali Hwy and were excited to stay at one of those resorts that turned out to be a few rustic cabins,quonset huts, and trailers. Once I got over the surprise I realized that compared to sleeping on the ground in a tent this is really luxury. After a good laugh ( at ourselves and our pre-conceived notions) our exploration of the property revealed the original cabin, old slaughter house, smoking/curing hut, shacks of unknown purpose, old trucks/vehicles and a landing field. In retrospect, I'll have many fond memories of our stay at this resort.

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Steve I have been to Odell a couple times to fish with a dear old friend from Eugene.
It was fun because I spent time with Ed and with his boat we could get to some nice areas.
Also we must have gone when there weren't any other people there.
Didn't think about camping not our type of area.
Frank, it's not my idea of 'camping' either, but when the fishing is reported to be great... it's worth a stay. I love kokanee. Tasty little critters!
Frank, I've not had a boat on Hills Creek Reservoir, but we used to park in that area to climb and ski Diamond Peak. It's pretty neat back in there.
When we went there,early 2000s there weren't many other people on the lake.
Last time we went through the Oakridge area was a year ago and the town seemed to not be as busy.
It has some nice coves and the fish were a good catch.
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