Off to the Gila


Jul 13, 2008
Sacramento Mountains, NM
There's a spot in the Gila NF that I am fond of, but haven't been to since just before the Bear fire in 2006. I thought it was high time to head back there for a few days. So, I loaded the camper with gear and dog, and headed west to Snow Lake.

The (Aldo) Leopold Vista of the Gila Wilderness, looking east from US 180

I headed into the Gila NF on route 159, which climbs up steeply to the little town of Mogollon. It was a boomtown around the turn of the 20th century because of the Little Fannie gold mine.

Today, the village of Mogollon is considered a ghost town, but it does have some colorful residences and residents. One family has a flatbed truck camper. Doesn't look like it's moved in a while, though.

The last seven or so miles of the road to Snow lake is sad, because it goes through the area of the 2006 Bear fire. In one spot, I had a view of the current Jack Complex fire that is burning at a low level. If you look carefully at the gap between the snags in the center, you can see the smudge of smoke from the Jack Complex. A new fire as seen from an old fire.

I rolled in to Dipping Vat Campground at Snow lake in time for a quick dinner and small campfire. Ahhh, relaxation time.
I like Snow Lake because 1) There is water, which is scarce enough here in New Mexico, 2) The terrain is interesting - a transition between forest and high altitude grasslands, 3) there is a hiking trail into the wilderness with the trailhead at the campground, and 4) there used to be good trout fishing.

Unfortunately, the trout fishing has deteriorated because the lake has been overrun with carp. That's all anyone caught during the time I was there. The ranger said to leave any carp we caught on the bank for the birds to eat, but I doubt that is going to fix the carp problem. Anyway, I was set for trout, and caught none, but I had fun kicking the float tube around the little lake. Plus, there was hiking to do, and sitting around a campfire in the evening. I managed to keep pleasantly busy.

Here is what the place looks like in daylight.


Katie was hugely entertained by a pocket gopher that was popping in and out of its burrow to gather grass just a few feet from her nose. It seemed to know she was on a tether and couldn't reach it. It was totally unperturbed by having a dog within a few feet.


On the way home, I took the tamer road into the town of Reserve. It does have a few nice views as you descend out of the mountains.

Lunch in Reserve was a green chile cheeseburger (with chiles from Hatch, of course), at Ella's cafe, but it wasn't as good as the ones you can get in San Antonio and Carrizozo. Sorry, no photo of the cheeseburger or of Reserve. Reserve was a staging area during the huge Wallow fire. They are slowly getting back to normal there.
Katie was hugely entertained by a pocket gopher that was popping in and out of its burrow to gather grass just a few feet from her nose.

Entertained? My dog would call that torture :eek: I haven't been there, may need to check it out. How come Colorado people come to NM in the summer when we New Mexicans head to Colorado :oops:
Thanks for the photos and tour, highz -- an area I know nothing about.

One family has a flatbed truck camper. Doesn't look like it's moved in a while, though.

I see why Dirtydog & marc@XP promote the flatbed approach -- yes, very versatile!
Great pictures of a beautiful area. The 2006 fire was really disastrous for the Snow Lake area. I am planning to go to the Cliff Dwelling area to see what the Morris Fire did to the forest there.

As an aside, have you ever taken the trail from Snow Lake to Beaverhead? That is a great drive. Just be careful if there have been rains as the road becomes chocolate soup in the rain.
Great pictures of a beautiful area. The 2006 fire was really disastrous for the Snow Lake area. I am planning to go to the Cliff Dwelling area to see what the Morris Fire did to the forest there.

As an aside, have you ever taken the trail from Snow Lake to Beaverhead? That is a great drive. Just be careful if there have been rains as the road becomes chocolate soup in the rain.

I wanted to go to Snow Lake via the road to Beaverhead, because I live east of the Gila and it would have been a more direct (although slower) route. But, after seeing the flash flood watches for the area and phoning the ranger station, I chickened out. Maybe next time.
I wanted to go to Snow Lake via the road to Beaverhead, because I live east of the Gila and it would have been a more direct (although slower) route. But, after seeing the flash flood watches for the area and phoning the ranger station, I chickened out. Maybe next time.

Those roads can get very nasty. Last year FR150 turned to a wheel choking muck. I had to remove the fender on a friends dirt bike as it had locked up. Ugh

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