Opening Day for Fishing

Is anyone going to the Western Sierras for Opening Fishing Day?

ATC Bobcat, Tacoma 4x4

hi darryl.not sure you will be able to get to some of the streams.lots of snow and high water.where did you have in mind of going.i usually fish the ebbets pass hwy.4 area but with all the low level snow this your it might be a while before you can get in.I'm looking forward to a good year though.the lakes should be nice and full.just hope there are fish.not sure how much DFG is stocking you have any favorite places? even the secret ones?frank
Hi Frank: Yes, I like Ebbetts Pass also and spend a lot of time in that area once the snow melts. We should meet at Highland Lakes sometime? Camping is free along the stream before you get to the lakes. I also like to go over the hill and fish the Carson. Anyway, I know both 108 and 4 will be early, so I am thinking 88. Do you know of any good areas up 88 that might be of interest? It would be nice not to go as far as Silver lake?

I need to go somewhere.

Hi Frank: Yes, I like Ebbetts Pass also and spend a lot of time in that area once the snow melts. We should meet at Highland Lakes sometime? Camping is free along the stream before you get to the lakes. I also like to go over the hill and fish the Carson. Anyway, I know both 108 and 4 will be early, so I am thinking 88. Do you know of any good areas up 88 that might be of interest? It would be nice not to go as far as Silver lake?

I need to go somewhere.


Hi Darryl. Have you ever gone to Indian Creek Reservoir ? Its on hwy 89 a few miles before Markleyville and south of the 88 89 junction. The lake isn't much there are fish there cuts and rainbows. Also the east Carson below Hangmans bridge,it's a catch and release area. I have fished there and have seen some nice fish. The Lahotens are planted there from Heaneen Lake. Have you ever fished that? Its only open Sept. and.Oct weekends. No camping there but there are spots along the river or at Indian Creek Reservoir.or depending when you go the Markleyville campground might be open. Yes i have gone to Highland Lakes a lot of times. There are goldens in the first lake.I have a cabin in Dorrington and spend lot of time along the 4 corridor. There are so many places along that whole Ebbetts Pass road. Where do you live? I feel the same about going somewhere. We have had our bobcat sines Dec. and have used it twice just in our costal area.

Hi FranK: I think I have been to the places you are speaking about. Let me do some more research and I will give you more exact info. We live in Livermore. Most of the time we leave on Friday and come home Sunday. Seriously, I am open to meeting up somewhere.

Hi Darryl. Sounds good. We probably won't get camping up there at least till the snow is gone. We have some idea about Yellowstone mid to late may than don't know about summer. We may go up to British Columbia. We are retired so time is with us. We are going to Henry Coe S.P.tomorrow for a couple nights. The flowers are out nice this year and thought we would take a look.

Hi Frank: Yes after I thought about it, we have been to all of these places you mentioned. When the weather gets a little better I will check and see if you want to meet up on Hwy 4 somewhere. There is a little camp spot just east of Ebbetts flat I think they call it, or maybe you would like Pacific Grove Campground. It is over the hill from Mosquito Lakes. I am sensing you want some civilization, so I will suggest something with that in mind. Another place you may like is Woods Lake up on 88. Its back off the road and it has a really nice campground which sits acroos from a really pretty little lake.

Is it me, or does that boat owner look like our very own Dirty Dog? I didn't even know he had a boat.

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