Other Numbers


Advanced Member
Sep 3, 2020
Found these numbers when prepping the exterior for paint. They're located on the driver-side rear lower corner. Any ideas?

Bos_Trok said:
Those are "the" numbers. Your camper is a 63'
Actually, that's awesome. I was led to believe that it was a '58. However... '63 is a MUCH better year (from my perspective) as it's going to spend it's foreseeable future top my '63 Ford F250.

A matched set, if you will!
Right on! As good as it gets! Good luck with the paint.

Kansafornia said:
Actually, that's awesome. I was led to believe that it was a '58. However... '63 is a MUCH better year (from my perspective) as it's going to spend it's foreseeable future top my '63 Ford F250.

A matched set, if you will!

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