Propane tank problem


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2008
Chico, CA
On my 77 CO, I have the original oblong propane tank fitted between the camper and the bed wall of my 2003 Chevy 2500. The tank fits in the right front bed well snugly; so snug in fact I cannot get the tank out with the camper in the truck. I am lacking about 3 inches as the truck bed rolls in towards the camper at the top. Consequently the only way to fill the propane tank is to take the camper off the truck. I have considered fabricating a fill hose for the propane tank that would fit in between the truck bed wall and the camper and lead outside. But as the the tank needs to be vented when filled, I don't think this would be a good idea even if I could get someone to fill the tank using this method. The other option I have thought of is to cut the wall of the camper under the seat in order to make room for the tank to be removed to the inside. It seems it would weaken the camper wall considerably by doing this though. At least I think I would have to ad some form of removable bracing for the camper wall. Has anyone else solved this problem. None of the other tanks I have seen will fit tin the space. 00


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Yes, I can get it filled as it is a heavier duty tank like you might find on a fork lift.. Have not been refused yet.
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