Provide input to the USFS, so you can provide input to the USFS!


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2013
The USFS is proposing what appears to be a minor change to the National Environmental Policy Act, however on closer reading this change would remove a requirement to solicit public input in decisions that impact our National Forests.

You can read the proposed rule change and provide your comments here:

While it may appear that public comments are often ignored (as they certainly were in the case of shrinking National Monuments), by not soliciting public input at all the USFS would be removing the public from the official record which greatly impedes the ability to oppose decisions that are not in the public interest. By not providing comments, it just strengthens the argument that public input is not necessary.

I would also highly recommend not submitting form letters to these calls for comments. One or two original sentences expressing your unique personal perspective is far more valuable than a dozen form letters.
I love reading gov. Proposed regulation changes. You have to wade through so much fluff to get to any substance..
Interesting that they will not regard form letters....
I agree, personal comments will carry more weight (for what that’s worth).


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