Randsburg Rally and more part two with ham radio plug


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Around Lee Vining they were doing construction to prevent rocks from coming down after the last fire. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the construction guys on the hill hanging off a crane. Some tough guys there. I'd planned on camping along Rock Creek until I found there was only one campground (no boondocking) and they wanted 25 a night. I'm way too cheap to put up with generators for that much. Going towards Mammoth I found a BLM campground. Only 5 a night. A lot of motorhomes and generators there too but I figured it wasn't too much to pay for a safe place to leave the truck. I mosey the Jeep on over towards Laurel Lakes. Its a bit more four wheeling than I expected and I would not take my truck in there but, I did talk to a guy later who took his older Dodge with a cummins in there. Nice places to camp along the creek if you're willing to risk it. I make it to the Lake (the second lake is more of a pond) and see two motorcycles down in there, one trying to tow the other.

I get a few pics in before going over to see whats wrong.

Turns out its a father and son outing and dad broke off the kick starter right at the case. He's regretting doing this route! Son destroys his transmission trying to tow Dad out. They're in a bad spot.

No way to fix either bike I suggest we pull them up to the top of the hill. Son is a pretty good rider thankfully because it can't be easy to stay up behind the Jeep. He gets the broken kickstarter bike partway up then gets it going bump starting it downhill. He rides to the top of the hill while I give dad a ride up and the son a ride back down for the other bike. Not easy considering the switchbacks but we get him up to the top. Dad rides back while the son coasts all the way back to their truck.

Meanwhile Riley is very unhappy with me as my crap tie down job results in everything landing on top of him on the ride down. I wind up letting him run most of the way. Father and son wait back at the bottom and offer to buy me a drink but I decline, its getting late and I need to find a place to camp.
Its about 4pm when I get back to the BLM camp and figure theres still time to find a decent camp out in the forest. Cross the gorge on a one lane road and start looking for a place to camp (this is the forested area north of the volcanic tablelands) and though the area is criss crossed with roads there is no place to camp (short of the road or just driving on the brush). Light is starting to go as I hit the Casa Diablo road. I'm under a quarter tank of fuel (not going to pay over 3 for diesel when its .50 cheaper in Independence) and its comforting knowing I have a five gallons of diesel on the back of the camper. I head North and not a mile later the "camp here" sign lights up :) Seems I took no pics at that camp.

Head towards the Volcanic Tablelands in the morning, thinking of exploring the Western edge when I fire up the ham radio. I hadn't been able to hit the Mazourka repeater yet so I inquired on another. Turns out they changed the PL. Say hello on Mazourka and mention I'm planning on doing Cerro Gordo later. First guy mentions the high wind warnings forecast for that area. Second response says "hey, we have a group going up today, meeting at Keeler, want to tag along?". I think I can make it by then and since there's safety in numbers I say sure. I'll explore the tablelands another day.

Thoughts of breaking bad came to mind when I saw this.

I head on into Independence. Not sure why I was worried about fuel, I still had three gallons left. Hit the Visitors Center and cruise up to Keeler. I'm late but it turns most of the group is also. They planned on going on over into Saline. One these guys( Southern California Overland Trail Association ) is the one that took his truck into Laurel Lakes. We air down and head up. Turns out it was recently bladed and other than being steep (my truck would have overheated the transmission) its a nice ride on up. I think I got a much better tour of Cerro Gordo with the group than I'd have gotten on my own.
First three times I looked at this pic I didn't notice the misspelling.

Here's the caretaker chatting away :)

Unfortunately the bar wasn't open :(

Richest mine in Inyo.

As the group headed down to Lee Flat I thought of going over to the other mines but it was way past lunchtime so I headed downhill and on over to the Alabama Hills. I should mention on the way up we passed a couple mountain bikes. The caretaker even mentioned he had water waiting for them. On my down they were no where to be found not that I could blame anyone for quitting on that climb.
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