Randsburg Rally and more


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Headed out Tuesday with the eventual destination of making the Rally. I wasn't expecting much traffic but I forgot during the week is when all the road construction happens. Hit the turnoff to 89 and the sign says Monitor Pass is closed. Huh? I"m skeptical so I go into the government area. A lady spies me coming up. Hi, I'm county supervisor (I forget her name). I inquire about the pass. She informs me a tanker truck rolled over and that's why its closed. I hate going through Gardnerville but have no choice. Of course more road construction. This is throwing off my fuel consumption calculations ( I thought, more later) and pull into the station at Topaz. No fuel, seems they were doing some pump upgrades. Well I'll get a burger in Walker. Walker burger is closed for the season? Bummer but I get a good burger in Bridgeport. More road construction from Bridgeport to past the turnoff to Green Creek. I'm a bit annoyed at this point and ready to get off the highway even thought I'd originally planned to travel further. A few people camped along the creek but no lack of nice places to camp. I choose one out in the open to run a few solar tests.

Riley had a great time running on in the brush.

The fall colors were much more impressive from camp than from the road. I impatiently waited the sun to rise wondering if our folks like lighthawk freeze their feet waiting for the perfect shot. At least he'd know if it was worth it, I was just guessing. Btw, my tripod was one of the things I forgot to bring.

I started the trip with the batteries (according to the trimetric) at 100%. I still had my summer bag in the truck and sometime after midnight it got a bit chilly. I'd heard the heater try and come on earlier but fail. It doesn't like low voltage (hard to diagnose just why) but my volt meter is showing 13.1 volts. Worth trying again. I almost give up but on attempt six it fires up and runs great all night.

Pretty happy with the solar and battery upgrades so far. No use of the alternator on this trip. After breakfast I head up the Dunderberg road, transmission is dangerously close to overheating but I hit the top. Tranny cooler is going to have to go on soon. I stop near Ted's site, saw a trailer that direction and didn't head over. Was anyone still there?

Head on over towards Mammoth for the next adventure. Coming soon in Part Two.
Nice color shots Craig.
About your heater. When the fan came on did the gas light for a few seconds then go out ,then try to come on again?
This is what happened to my on our Alaska trip. In the morning I would flip the thermostat on fan would come on then
gas would come on run for a few seconds turn off.I tried moving the thermostat temp setting higher and after a few trys
it would finally stay on. When we got home I removed the outside cover and cleaned out all the dust that had gotten in
there,from all the gravel roads we drove on.It seems to work now with no problem.
That might be your problem also.
Thanks for the report.
No, the fan would come one but it wouldn't try to light. A good cleaning would be a good place to start.
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