Refrigerator door- Keeping it closed


Advanced Member
Jan 5, 2010
Boulder, CO
Has anyone ever had issues keeping their refrigerator door closed when the are off road? The door flies open and the food and most importantly the beer goes for a ride. We lost some eggs the first time. And some beer had to be drank right away the second time. Neither time were we flying. I've thought about drilling a hook and eyelet in place unless someone else has a better idea. Bryan
Hi Bryan: I have had it happen several times. Now, I check to make sure the phillips screw on the top of the latch is tight so the latch is somewhat hard to turn. This seems to work. I believe some others have put a pin in the top. If you come up with an idea, let me know.

I don't have a fridge but converted my ice box hole to a pantry and used my old ice box door as my pantry door. I finally got tired of finding it open with all of my food and booze strewn about at the end of a rough road. A simple piece of nylon webbing with two snaps (one attached to the door and one to the cabinet) solved the problem. Did the same thing on my drawer too. Might work for you if your fridge door can take a small screw puncture somewhere.
If you drive off-road, or even if you drive winding road, you had better have everything in your FWC strapped up tight. If it can Move, Bounce or Open; It will.
Hi Bryan: I have had it happen several times. Now, I check to make sure the phillips screw on the top of the latch is tight so the latch is somewhat hard to turn. This seems to work. I believe some others have put a pin in the top. If you come up with an idea, let me know.

A drop of loctite on the threads will help prevent that phillips screw from working loose as they do when the latch is pivoted.
If you use Locktite, pickup blue and not red. Blue is removable and red is forever. If you had an Engle fridge this is not a problem. rsz_p5020073.jpg
Washboard roads got me. I couldn't keep the latch tight. Drilled out the top bracket to put a pin in. No drilling on the door, just popped the door mounted part of the latch out, IIRC. Looked like this when i was done:


Problem solved.
Darryl- I have a different type that you are describing. I'd take a picture to post but, I am leaving for CA tomorrow.

Scott, This is what I am after but, I have a dometic and it's not shaped like yours. It has a plastic clip that slides up and down. I might try to make a bracket at work.

Paulie- I decided I wanted the 3 way dometic because I wanted the top storage when I'm at camp. My lady likes to go in and out of the frige at home... I knew she'd do it camping as well. I guess everything has it's drawbacks. I got my granby just before you did. I don't know about you but, I could not be happier. BD
I strugled with this for a while, until I put a dab of "Blue" thread locker on the screw that holds the catch in place. Many trips later, and the catch hasn't failed me.
I have not taken my Grandby out yet. The 21 st of May We leave for our 40 th annual Boys fishing trip. Cant wait! Will let you know after that.

Thanks Pauliersz_p5020071.jpg
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