New Member
I have a set of new, unused Reico Titan camper jack mounting plates/hardware available. It is the same as this set, but I will also include Zinc mounting bolts and washers, and not the round "pipe clamps" https://bendtrailers.com/rieco-titan-products-arctic-white-camper-jack-bracket-kit-66713/?gclid=CjwKCAiA66_xBRBhEiwAhrMuLeHWJw-OWmO1k0QsXDUT2rTFzZNThkXRWdGtQ4J9dM54yTXI0sMm7BoC904QAvD_BwE (mounting plates are all white)
$25 picked up in Flagstaff, AZ
*****S O L D. ****
$25 picked up in Flagstaff, AZ
*****S O L D. ****