Retired, AK bound


Advanced Member
Apr 6, 2010
Monday, 11Jul11, the departure will start. The FWC is being packed and waiting for the morning sun to rise over the swamp. Just know something will be forgotten, but their are a lot of stores on the route.
Hope to see some of the bloggers on the way and safe trips to all. Will be updating.
Newly retired? Sounds like a great way to kick it off!
Enjoy, and keep us posted -- with photos. :)
Monday, 11Jul11, the departure will start. The FWC is being packed and waiting for the morning sun to rise over the swamp. Just know something will be forgotten, but their are a lot of stores on the route.
Hope to see some of the bloggers on the way and safe trips to all. Will be updating.

Something WILL be forgotten. That just how it works. Hopefully its nothing too major. If you do need something in and around Calgary area, let me know, hopefully I can help out.
I'm still up here in Girdwood, holler if you're passing by. Or else maybe we'll pass on the Alcan on our way out of here. Safe trip.
Have a great trip. You are welcome to stop by at our shack in Watson lake..

Thanks to all for the thoughts. Now in Watford City, ND and heading west. Talk about finding oil this is the place. More oil than the mideast.
No pictures yet to upload yet; having an issue with computer software downloading. Can't even do the blog.
Spotted my first FWC.
Tan Toyota coming out of L&C NF in MT on Teton River Road on 14Jul1
Did start a blog:
BTW, not sure how often it will be published, you know internet access.
Seems like the drive takes all my time from doing updates. So much to see and with the time I have been seeing as much a possible. The drive from Coleman to Canmore, AB is a road to be taken providing you arn't in a rush. Blog up dated today with some pics.
Well, its on the road again.
Seems like the drive takes all my time from doing updates.

Nothin' wrong with that -- experiencing it is more important than writing about it...IMHO.
Just try to fit in updates when there's nothin' else to do.
And please do!
My wife and I drove from Reno to Prudoe Bay/Deadhorse last September. It was a great trip, but because we are not retired, we had to do it quick (3 weeks). We took the luxury camper on that trip (pre Hawk).

Be safe and have fun. It is a great experience.

In Skagway today, was going to do updates to the blog but at 56k baud think it would take all after noon, plus there are more than a dozen peps using the internet here. So I'll wait until there is something faster. That might be in Anchorage. The trip is going great and seeing a lot of beautiful country and meeting a lot of nice people. Been doing a the write ups daily but just not able to post.

Robbie, I was in Watson Lake but decided to move on. Maybe I should have stayed to use the Library there. Anyhow I'll be back thru on the return.
Try to squeeze in Chicken, Eagle, Dawson City and the Dempster all the way to Inuvik. I have made many trips to Alaska and these areas are always my favorites. Oh yes, don't forget a few nights at Teklanika Camp 30 miles inside of Denali NP.

Great blog!
Made it to Anchorage FR, 29Jul11. Have been doing a R&R at friends where brother is staying (temp). This is nice here; wished I had moved here 25 years ago. Blog is going to updated and ready to head to Kenai, Homer, Seward and back to Anchorage for a bit. Then on to Valdez, either by road or ferry, and head to Wrangler-St. Ellis. Then it will be up nort, as we say in WI.
Although the weather has not been the best it has been a wonderful ride so far.
This Alaska is a trip in itself. I left McCarthy/Kennicott late this morning with Nabesna as the next stop. Getting to Glennallen and filling up with fuel I noticed that an oil change was due. No service stations are open on Sunday nor is the NAPA store for a oil filter. Can't believe that 8000 miles have gone by. Seen beautiful places and met many a person from different countries. Many a place to see in Americas Northwest. That includes Alberta, BC, Yukon and AK. Been keeping the blog up on a daily basic but publishing it is sometimes a difficult thing.

Enjoying the trip so far even with the rain.
Spent yesterday on the Denali Highway. So far the most scenic part of the trip even though it rained thru the night and for most of the day. This Highway is well worth taking many a time both east and west. Its been a month now and living in Hawk has been good. Adjusted well and think things are in the places that they need to be.
Been trying to post blog as soon as I can but do updates every day.
Thought that you could post comments on blog:not sure on that function yet. If you have questions or comments use this email address: .
have not seen that many FWC, ATC or Alaskan's in Alaska so far, a few in the lower 48.
Happy trails to everyone

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