Roosevelt Lake


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2008
Mesa, AZ
This past weekend we visited Windy Hill Campground in the Tonto Basin. It's a very large campground (347 sites) aimed at the summer boating crowd. Although we conscidered renting a boat, we never really got around to it; however, we did visit Tonto National Monument.

We had this little section to ourselves...

A playground even...?!

Building coals for the steak...

See our gray tank?



Views from the campsite...

Out across the water...

Four Peaks...

The Tonto National Monument ruins are on these mountains...
Thanks for the pix Mark. Pam and I want to get up there very soon. I figure it about 2 hours from here. I've been told that this time of year its very uncrowded.
Uncrowded is right!

However, I'd consider camping North of the lake... No fee. No people. There are some nice roads a 2wd can easily manage.

If you are boating, well that's another story.
Grey water container

Great pics and write-up.


I've been looking at the same grey water tank you're using, I believe it has 5 gal capacity, correct? How is it functioning for you compared to a simple bucket or collapsible container? Where do you store while on the road.

Thanks, Glade
First time I've used it

This is our first use of the gray tank.

It stores nicely on it's side in the couch when clean. Less thrillingly, flat in the aisle when fuller. The hose goes in the box with the propane.

The cap is vented so it's not real water proof. Thus unthrilling.

Since our gray is relatively clean, I'm thinking we will be collecting it more for "dead out" fire pits...

More durable than the collapsible jugs. Since it has a cap, better than a 5 gal bucket, albeit not much.
I have a 12 gallon version that seals up pretty tight. It was bigger than I wanted, but was all they had before I left for a trip in an "organized" campground. I forget who makes it, but it comes from Camping World.

Grey water tank

We also use one of these, 15 gallon I think. We currently carry it on the floor of the camper when we travel, but are planning to add a rack to the camper and carry it there in the future. We have emptied it on the fire, in pit toilets or flush toilets, at dump stations, and just out of camp if none of the above options are available.

Prior to this tank, we used a collapsible five gallon bucket. This became a problem in bear country where anything scented must be stored. We couldn't dump the bucket and it was difficult to move back and forth to a food storage bin. And it collapsed on occasion. So the advantage of the tank has outwieghed the loss of storage space for us.

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