Saline Preservation Association


Captain Leisure
Site Team
Nov 10, 2005
Eugene, Oregon
How do people feel about grouping Saline Preservation Association with Death Valley advocacy groups? Close enough to DV or should it be separate?
How do people feel about grouping Saline Preservation Association with Death Valley advocacy groups? Close enough to DV or should it be separate?

Saline Valley is part of DVNP, isn't it?
SPA has existed for many years now; gone through a few changes, but it's goal remains the same. I believe it is in line with the preservation efforts that you have expressed. It's really a unique area, but it is different than the rest of DV.

I vote separate.
Seems like "separate" or "together" depends on whether you're grouping by philosophy or geography. Geographically, it would be odd to separate them.
What kind of grouping were you asking about DD?
I thought it was outside the park boundary but that maybe it made sense to lump it with park advocacy since it was so close. But never mind not relevant now :)
I'd say separate as it seems to me that they want to distance themselves from the park as much as possible. They certainly play by the rules but I think they would prefer if they weren't under the watchful eye of "The Man". There is a lot of fear that the park service will someday pull the plug (pun intended).

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