San Francisco to Klamath River 2011


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
El Cajon CA

My wife and I planned to cruise the Redwoods in our normal fashion but at the last minute bought some Hobie Outback Kayaks. We still headed the same way but looked for water along the coast as well as coolness. Almost did not make it when a sudden traffic jam near San Francisco had me hitting my brakes so hard that I slid within inches of the car in front of me.

After that things were more serene.

We headed for Highway one right after San Francisco. Stayed near Jenner CA for the first night and tried the Kayaks in the Russian River. Nest morning we kayaked down by the mouth and followed river otters and deer along the shoreline, and watched a multitude of birds. Saw the seals near the mouth.

We proceeded up the coast and found the only free camping spot we could find right next to the ocean. Was very quiet.

We saw Fort Ross and a the Point Cabrillo Lighthouse. We hear the State is cutting the budget for the Lighthouse.

We ended up in the Eureka/Arcata area and went in the Big Lagoon and Freshwater Lagoon. Met the gal who owns Kayak Zaks. She gave us lots of hints and some free magazines.

We took in the Redwoods and decided to see Ferndale on the way home. I decided to take Highway(?)211 out of Ferndale to get close to the ocean again. It was a narrow, rough paved road but one of the highlights of our trip. It rose up in the forest, then broke open into grassy coastal grazing pastures. then it dropped down into valley where a few farms were. Steeply I might add. Then it rose up again and dropped into a rough windy coastline.

It was a slow but awesome side-trip. Road eventually ended up back in the redwoods and we stayed the night in an overpriced State Park.

Camping, Kayaking and touring - a great way to go.

Keith and Jeanne Barnes
La Mesa CA


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Nice report Keith. Great photos. The coast is the perfect place to go in the summer. Were you in the yaks on the Klamath with the whales? That would be kind of scary.

Some friends and I took a class from Marna of Kayak Zaks at Big Lagoon a couple of years ago. Kayak rescue techniques. They are a top-notch group.
Nice report Keith. Great photos. The coast is the perfect place to go in the summer. Were you in the yaks on the Klamath with the whales? That would be kind of scary.

Some friends and I took a class from Marna of Kayak Zaks at Big Lagoon a couple of years ago. Kayak rescue techniques. They are a top-notch group.

We never went in the Klamath. Was moving pretty fast. The whales (mom and young one)were near the Klamath River Campground.
Great inspiration, Keith. I like the smugmug site too. I'm thinking of developing a site with them. Looks like you were pretty comfortable carrying camera gear in your Hobie.

Great minds think alike :D
We're heading to Caspar Beach tomorrow, just above Mendocino tomorrow with one, and maybe two 'yaks. We paddled Big River and the Albion River last year and had a similar great time with wildlife. This time we want to check out the Noyo River and also plan to do some ocean at Caspar, which is a protected anchorage.


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