San Juan’s


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2016
Las Vegas
Had to get out of Vegas. So headed up to 9,000 + feet. First stop Silverton CO.
Did the mine tour, young girl from Italy passed out. Jake our guide stopped the tour called for assistance. Help comes. Now we have to old timers early 70’s calm as cucumbers. Got the girl now awake in a basket( this thing is as old as the mine) and she passed out again. Need help the assistant says so the Italian group picks her up and into the second little mine train off they go.

Then back to the tour here’s Jake.

Later the town of Eureka.

Mine tours are amazing. The couple I've been on, they turn out the lights and light up a single candle to show what real conditions were like way, way back in the day.

Ok sorry for the long wait, I procrastinated way to much. Took both of these in Silverton CO. Hung out here a couple of days I drove from Vegas to Cortez and was to much for my better half. After three day in the area doing a the 100 dollar mine tour, driving up to Animas Forks, dinner at handlebars we set out in the 550 to get to Telluride.
Fagetabout staying in their town park/campground. Not gunna happen no how no way. So went back out of town tried this area on the north side of the road, ended up on a shelf road and I kid you not each pullout had something to secure the site. Found a spot to turn around back out to the state road about a mile down where the county sheriff office is there was national park campground I think it was Angles. Got a site for a couple days. Lots of history and lots of money in Telluride walked around looking at shops and such neat bar with pizza.
Next Ouray Co.

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