Save Lake Tahoe -- Eat More Crawdads!


The Weatherman
Site Team
May 24, 2010
Bend, Oregon
I hadn't heard about this crayfish problem or this attempt to remedy it until I saw a link this morning on Friends of Nevada Wilderness's FB page.

Crayfish to Eat, and to Clean the Water

It's been a while since I've eaten crawdads/crayfish -- mmmm -- little lobster tails!

I've seen them in the Deschutes River here in central Oregon, and I know a fellow who (decades ago) trapped them in the Deschutes -- in downtown Bend -- and sold them to restaurants in Portland. He kept them in a little kiddie wading pool at his house until he had enough to make worthwhile the 3-hour drive to the Big City!
This facebook thing is just everywhere...............................

Not about this topic,but did you have any problems with that fire in Placer co? On the news they said it could threaten Colfax.Hope all is well.
Eat more crawdads,Frank
:eek:Help- Forest fires and crawdads in the same thread! We sure are diverse here, but we are getting some smoke in the valley, maybe it's from Placer County. Sure is windy here though!

Once tried to impress my old river rafter girl friend by showing my wilderness skills by catching some crawdads then making a fire and having wonderful romantic field meal-caught two, she wouldn't eat them, I became a animal killer, I guess you can't win them all.

Once tried to impress my old river rafter girl friend by showing my wilderness skills by catching some crawdads then making a fire and having wonderful romantic field meal-caught two, she wouldn't eat them, I became a animal killer, I guess you can't win them all.


I love crawdads too! But, they need to be out of Lake Tahoe (along with a lot of other species that have been added). My only concern about this one is creating a business to harvest them but what happens when they start running out? Seems there would be a good monetary incentive to keep 'em around having little ones.

Frank, we're a bit south of the fire on the north fork but fires in canyons are scary business. Speaking of business, I bet this fire is impacting a few people's agricultural pursuits.

Ah, the thread is coming full circle.
My only concern about this one is creating a business to harvest them but what happens when they start running out? Seems there would be a good monetary incentive to keep 'em around having little ones.

That's a good point -- somebody is going to have to keep an eye on the "exterminators" to make sure they complete their job.

...Speaking of business, I bet this fire is impacting a few people's agricultural pursuits...

You mean...such that people with...ummm...medical conditions are positioning themselves downwind of the fire?
You mean...such that people with...ummm...medical conditions are positioning themselves downwind of the fire?

Yeah, but in that area it will be mixed with a great deal of poison oak smoke, a dangerous mix. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
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