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Dec 27, 2006
East of Sacramento
They chopped down the shoe tree. Why would someone do that?

Read about here.

Damn Ted, you posted at the same time as me! DD- please feel free to merge threads.
There is a tree out in the desert at Rice, CA (on the way to the river) that is adorned with "Bras".
My, what different sizes they have....
There is a tree out in the desert at Rice, CA (on the way to the river) that is adorned with "Bras".
My, what different sizes they have....

got a photo? Run out and put some chain link around it.
Novelty news for most (understandably), but it's actually a big deal around here.

What kind of sick bastard even thinks about doing something like that, much less following through?
I drove by this famous tree just last week, on Dec 26, the first day of my Xmas-New Years trip to central and eastern Nevada.

On another similar post-Xmas trip in 2004 I stopped and took these photos:

200412-01.jpg 200412-02.jpg

Yeah it's sad...and really makes me mad!

I'm a bleeding-heart liberal most of the time...but sh!t like this makes me want to "get medieval" on the kind of worthless trash who would do this for fun.
Well the Lady was shocked, surprised, and saddened when she saw this. She is with Stew on this, one of her favorite trees. Can't tell you how many times we've stopped here, so many. Sad, just sad. Just a funny bit of crazy culture that tree was. Something that could brighten your day when you drove by.
We had someone, a real Grinch, who chopped down a tree that used to be decorated for Christmas every year. It boggles the mind.

I've got some pics of the Shoe Tree from our May 2010 trip to Escalante. Will try to post later.
We drove by this morning to see for ourselves. Yes, the solely overladen cottonwood lies chopped to pieces in the gully. A small makeshift memorial stands near its corpse along highway 50.


Here are the remains.


When we first heard of this sorry deed through our friend Ted's post here, we were curious if both cottonwoods had been attacked. The second cottonwood still stands.


....and a with a little hope for the future, there is a baby shoe tree.

Novelty news for most (understandably), but it's actually a big deal around here.

What kind of sick bastard even thinks about doing something like that, much less following through?

We had our "wave" tree cut down a couple years ago. It had been spared when they put the new bigger road in, but then some idiot cut it down.

I shed a couple tears when I heard it was gone.

If you waved as you passed it allowed safe passage up the shore. I still wave when I pass where it was, but now I give an extra honk of my horn in its memory.
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