Snow boots?


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Well the weather looked good today so headed up the hill to let the dog play in the snow. As I headed through Pollock Pines I didn't see Ski and his snow machine put plenty of others out with their shovels and implements of destruction. Before leaving I layered up, got the snow boots out of the closet and headed up. I stopped by the equestrian area on the MET. Lots of people out. Hikers, skiers, snowboarders, four wheelers and dogs. I had (have) gloves, hats, jackets and the rest in the camper. What I didn't have was boots. Yup, boots were still sitting at home. Why I carry everything but spare boots in the camper I don't know. I'm in the process of remedying that little oversight right now. Stayed until my feet got frozen then went home.

Riley had a great time.
Sly Park Road was still packed ice and snow as I was removing the county plow berm this morning. Based on the number of kids in their jacked up rigs driving by I figured MET would be busy today. Did you hang around long enough for the next round of storm to roll through? Little Red gets another work out in the morning.

Riley does look like he's having fun. I met one couple today that brought their Chihuahua into the mountains to see snow for the first time. They forgot it's jacket.
Nope, left before it arrived. The BFG's performed well on the fluffy snow. Amazing to see how many people think parking along the freeway to play in the snow is a good idea.

I'd considered just going into the park but $13 just for day use?

Time to get out the snowshoes and do a more serious snow trip before it all melts off.
Hey Craig as for spare boots taking up space, what about Neos over boots. Pack small and work great. Stash them behind your seat. Can even stand in water, mud etc.. and keep your shoes clean. Winter they add insulation value to keep feet warm.
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