Southern Utah Vacation

Hi Kyle,

Looks you had a great trip, places I would like to go back and spend more time. You also had fun putting together the slide show. Thanks for sharing.
great pix Kyle, I never get tired of those areas. Did you get onto the Burr Trail up to Capital Reef?

The Burr Trail is a nice drive. I can remember when it was a dirt road to the park. I need to go back and take the hike to the arch.
No, we didn't take the Burr Trail. We came in from the west side on pavement to the park and then left down Notom Road and off into the Henry Mountains for camping at McMillan Springs at about 8500 feet. The next morning we worked our way out past the Eagle City Town site and Little Egypt back to pavement just north of the 95/276 intersection and off to Bridges National Park for the day and camped in the Valley of the Gods.
Pat we did it when it was dirt too but a few years back we drove the pavement. Still very few cars with tons of camping places. Lots of petrified wood in Wild Horse Cyn. I love that place. Escalante is a little weird though.
Nice pics, Kyle. I assume the weather was nice up high, but was it hot in Valley of the Gods and other low places? Man, I love those areas!
It was pretty much nice everywhere. It was only hot in Monument Valley. We go to the Valley of the Gods late enough in the day that it was pleasant. I don't think we used the heat at night there. We did use it in Flagstaff, Pine Lake and in the Henry Mountains.

We did try out the Swampy in Monument Valley and it worked well to take the edge off.
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