Spring Time!


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
After more than a week of near constant snowstorms, the sun is shining here. Needing the truck for several projects this winter, the camper has been on its dolly wrapped up for almost three months. We've kept it shoveled off but have been anxious to open it up and air it out. That happened early this morning. Found everything in great shape. The top is popped, the roof vent open, plugged into shore power, and the furnace warming it up from its initial 34 degrees. Ah, maybe springtime is here!
ski, sunny and low 40's here sure has a spring feel to it, I just hope it's true. If it doesn't snow for the rest of the year I'll be one very happy camper.
Yeah, we are done with snowfall around here :mad:
I usually get a couple of storms that accumulate at 3400' above Nevada City,
but not usually back-to-back, especially in March. We stilldon't have power to our home and PG&E isn't promising anything until an 'update' tomorrow at 11.30pm

It's been more hardship than usual since I recently moved my mom into my home.
We live on a well, so no power=no running water. The main living area is heated by a gas
stove, which (like a Wave 3) requires no power :rolleyes:

The spring skiing ought to last a good long time though!
Lighthawk, we lucked out with only a short outage this go around. we're doing all we can to bring on spring, the snowblower is full of gas and ready to go, the sorels are right next to the door, the snow shovels are right outside...............and the skis are tuned, waxed, and ready to go.
Now that the camper is on the truck and fully functional, does this mean it's really spring? Weather forecast is for snow here Thursday......
No bees around the peach blossoms in the snow today...............

Yeah, it's an interesting winter/spring this year. I've got nectarine blossoms like yours out back. But yesterday I skied through a snow squall at 6000' as the next wave moved in. Be nice if the sun would stick around.
It's snowing here again in Bend now -- at 3600'.
A mixture of snow pellets and flakes.
But...I've lived here long enough to not get too worked up about a little snow in Bend in April...I still remember the year (many years ago) when it snowed -- in town -- on the 4th of July!

I'm just grateful that we never have the depth of snow (in town) that real snow-country has. I can drive 20 miles west if I want that.
A brisk morning -- for mid-April -- across most of the intermountain west this morning -- even down in the southern deserts.


From my Desert Weather page.
A brisk morning -- for mid-April -- across most of the intermountain west this morning -- even down in the southern deserts.

View attachment 11655

From my Desert Weather page.

That's a great page Mark, ahhh...but where's New Mexico? :sneaky: (It's gonna be windy in the Sacramento mountains today. Hope that Tucson rain reaches here....high fire danger).
ahhh...but where's New Mexico? :sneaky:

Thanks, and yeah...I know -- the embarrassing lack of New Mexico.
When I noticed that at least a couple of WTW guys -- you and Barko -- live in NM I realized that I don't have any NM cities included. I included El Paso as the token Chihuahuan Desert location, but I need to make room for at least one NM location, too.
If you're familiar with Wunderground, what NM city with representation on Wunderground -- that's also considered to be legitimately in the Chihuahaun Desert -- would you suggest? Something lower/southern I assume...? Las Cruces?
The theme of the Page is Desert weather, so I don't want to include places like Santa Fe or Albuquerque -- unless those are considered to be Chihuahuan??
Thanks, and yeah...I know -- the embarrassing lack of New Mexico.
When I noticed that at least a couple of WTW guys -- you and Barko -- live in NM I realized that I don't have any NM cities included. I included El Paso as the token Chihuahuan Desert location, but I need to make room for at least one NM location, too.
If you're familiar with Wunderground, what NM city with representation on Wunderground -- that's also considered to be legitimately in the Chihuahaun Desert -- would you suggest? Something lower/southern I assume...? Las Cruces?
The theme of the Page is Desert weather, so I don't want to include places like Santa Fe or Albuquerque -- unless those are considered to be Chihuahuan??

How about Deming or Columbus? They're definitely in the desert and are smaller cities/towns. I'll bet you know larger cities (like El Paso and Cruces) tend to alter the temperatures a bit from the natural.
How about Deming or Columbus? They're definitely in the desert and are smaller cities/towns. I'll bet you know larger cities (like El Paso and Cruces) tend to alter the temperatures a bit from the natural.

Thanks, highz -- I see that Deming is an "official" WU city. I'll add Deming, NM.
Now...I just have to figure out which city I'll drop from my nice rectangular, vaguely geographically-representational, matrix. Or maybe I'll just be OK with it not being rectangular. Maybe let El Paso be a single element in a row down.
Check Desert Weather tomorrow!
Thanks, highz -- I see that Deming is an "official" WU city. I'll add Deming, NM.
Now...I just have to figure out which city I'll drop from my nice rectangular, vaguely geographically-representational, matrix. Or maybe I'll just be OK with it not being rectangular. Maybe let El Paso be a single element in a row down.
Check Desert Weather tomorrow!

I think ostracizing Texas is a good idea. :D Just kidding, maybe.
19 degrees yesterday morning, we'll see if we get any peaches this year. 27 this morning and its over 40 this afternoon! Yeah!
I think ostracizing Texas is a good idea. :D Just kidding, maybe.

Yeah...still...Texas does have Big Bend NP -- I've been there, and that's worthwhile.

Growing up in California, I remember in one year of elementary school (in the '60s) we used a textbook called "The West". The states included in that were Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and all the states west of those -- Texas was NOT included. So, in my mind, those 11 states (i.e., not counting AK and HI) are The West. Those are the states with huge areas of public lands. So, that's as good a reason as any to exclude it, I guess.

And I didn't even mention the politics, 'cause I'm tryin' to be good!
My prejudice is showing. I live in a resort area where much of the land is being bought by West Texans so they can build their exorbitant log vacation homes. The growth is nowhere near as bad as, say, Vail, but it still disturbs me to see habitat disappearing here. Of course, I am here occupying a house, so I can't be too critical, I guess.

Hey, let's annex Big Bend to New Mexico!
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