The Touron Thread

People never learn do they? My favorite still is the old Darwin classic of some people trying to shove a black bear into the front seat of their car with their terrified Grandma in order to get that great photograph :oops: !

It is not just tourons

I tried to find the story of the girl who's mother put honey on her head to get a bear to lick it but it may, like all legends, not be entirely true. But along the way I did find another story. (women feeds bears for ten years, handyman show up to find a bear finishing her off)

Or how 'bout my neighbor who took the discarded bread from the general store to feed the wildlife? Early one morning he let his chihuahua out the door where it was promptly snatched by a coyote. Then he put a bank of four halogen construction lights on his roof, sat behind them at night and shot at coyotes. I live about 200 yards above him and went down to speak to him about the lights and the gunfire. He insisted the bread was for the deer and stared blankly when I attempted to explain that the coyotes did not know that. I refrained from telling him that the coyote was likely quite pleased to have something to put between the slices of bread. I doubt he would have appreciated my humor.

It is horrifyingly amazing to me how many people move here to wildlife habitat and expect the wildlife to stay away from a food source. And then they bring out the guns. I am pretty sure someone is going to get shot by one of these morons one of these days. Unfortunately it might be me.
I'll bet many have heard the story of the hunter who sprayed himself with elk urine and was attacked by a white tail deer while his dutiful wife kept filming.


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